TableViewExample by Mai Nguyen, NeXT Developer Support Team Overview In order to run this example, you need to have an ORACLE server with a demo database installed. You should install the OracleDemo.dbmodel from /NextDeveloper/Examples/DatabaseKit/Models into your ~/Library/Databases directory. This example shows how you can define a DBTableView and a DBModule programmatically instead of using the corresponding Interface Builder UI Objects . Program Organization Major Classes in the Application TableViewController A general manager object. A subclass of the Object class. Performs miscellaneous initialzations for the DBModule and DBTableView objects. Other Peculiarities In order to load an Adaptor dynamically, you need to add the OTHER_LDFLAGS definition (see the Makefile.preamble). You also need to add the libdbkit_s.a library into your PB.project under libraries in order to use the DBKit API. Note that you will get a compiler warning: method 'getProperties' not implemented by protocol that you can ignore. This method was needed to retrieve attributes from a one-to-one relationship. Topics Of Interest - How to get all the attributes from an entity and the sub-attributes that belongs to a one-to-one relationship of that same entity See the method initTableView: in the file TableViewController.m. - How to make a fetchgroup become the datasource of the tableview by using the method makeAssociationFrom: See the method initTableView: in the file TableViewController.m - How to replicate the IB connections to a tableview by using DBExpressions See the method addTableColumn the file TableViewController.m Change History August 1992 Created for 3.0 Gold