SimpleTableView example Example use of DBTableView This application is provided in source form only, compilable on any NEXTSTEP 3.1 system (68k, or 486). It may also compile fine on 3.0 versions of NEXTSTEP, but it has not been tested on that platform. This application doesn't necessarily provide any useful functionality by itself. But it does provide an example using the DBTableView object within the dbkit. It shows how to supply custom DBFormatter subclasses for DBTableView for displaying data in table form. After compiling the example code, select the "open" function from the "Table" submenu. Select and open the file named "sample.simpleTbl" within the app wrapper. This text file contains a simple table format used by Rows can be added, and deleted. Items in the table can be changed. And the column widths can be changed with the mouse by dragging on the edges of the column titles. Table data and column widths are saved back to the file when "Save" is selected. Columns can also be moved from one location to another, but column location is not currently saved to the text file. In this example, the first column of the table is considered the key column in the table. All entries in the first column must be unique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may redistribute this example program and source code, and to use fragments of this code in your own applications if you find them to be useful. This example application and source code come with no warranty of any kind, and the user assumes all responsibility for its use. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The source: BoolFormatter.[hm] Custom subclass of DBFormatter to provide a toggle formatter for DBTableView. EditFormatter.[hm] Custom subclass of DBEditableFormatter to allow setting the text attributes of a field. DataTableView.[hm] Custom subclass of DBTableView that records certain mouse events. DataEditor.[hm] This object handles the events associated with the DataTableView edit panel. DataTable.[hm] This object holds the table information provided to DataTableView. FileTable.[hm] Subclass of DataTable designed to read table information for flat text files. SimpleTableView.[hm] Main Application subclass providing startup initialization.