OrderByTest by Adam Hertz/William Shipley Overview In order to run this example, you need to have an ORACLE server with a demo database installed. You also have to install the OracleDemo.dbmodel file into your ~/Library/Databases directory. The dbmodel files can be found in /NextDeveloper/Examples/DatabaseKit/Models. You need to add the libdbkit_s.a library into your PB.project under libraries in order to use the DBKit API. In this example, the Oracle Adaptor is hard-linked by dragging/dropping the /NextLibrary/Adaptors/OracleAdaptor.adaptor onto the Libraries icon of the Project Builder. Topics Of Interest This example shows you how to change the sort order every time the columns in the tableview are rearranged. The sort property is determined by the identifiers of the tableview columns. Last edit: 14/September/92 Mai Nguyen