What does this program do? This program records mouse and keystroke events that occur within any application (or applications) you want, allowing you to save these events, and play them back later, thus recreating the exact sequence of events you recorded. How do I use it? Just start up this program, and the one you want to record from, then press the Record button. Record all the things you want to, then press the Stop button. You will be prompted for the name of the file to save the journal in. It will be given the extension .journal. To play back a journal file, just press the Play Back button. You will be prompted for a file to play back, and it just works. Note that events are played back relative to the window, so if the window is in a different place than when the events were recorded, it doesn't matter - the right buttons will still get pushed etc. How is it all done? Using the NXJournal class - have a look at the code for yourself. What are the limitations of NXJournalers? As far as I can tell, there is no way of using a journal file created on one architecture (e.g. NeXT) on another architecture (e.g. Intel). I haven't checked this out on HP, as we are still waiting for our copy of NS/HP to arrive here. Sometimes you get some error messages to the console when recording, but it all seems to work ok in spite of that. Why did I write this? I actually wrote this about a year ago to try out the journaling functions and see how good they were. I then built journaling into an application I was writing, using it as part of a demo to show people how to use the program. Enjoy. Written by Gideon King University of Otago Dunedin New Zealand Gideon@otago.ac.nz