This contains the Source Code and Include Files for the 'DeckofCards' library. The source to creat a library called 'custom' that contains these objects is located in the Source directory. The relevant '.h' files are in include, along with a sample 'Makefile.preamble' to use to include them. The files are: Deck - an List that treats its objects like cards: shuffle, sort, etc. Card - a simple card with multiple faces, containing various info AppWithDoc - pirated from Draw, has activate and other services Document - ditto, document template Random - used in Deck, but general purpose Random Number Generator Also, there is a sample program 'Deck' that generates and uses a Standard Deck. I did it myself. I'm no artist, and I would greatly appreciate if someone wouldo it 'right', i.e. draw real face cards and use PostScript to generate the number cards. Comments to These objects are in the public domain, and are intended to encourage people to write card games for the NeXT. Enjoy. -- Ernie Prabhakar, Caltech High Energy Physics