This is the source for a custom Interface Builder which incorporates exactly one custom object into one extra palette. The code demonstrates several things, most notably how to build a custom Inspector. This capability is undocumented, and subject to disappearance at any moment. The interface might change, or the capability might just vanish. (Are you starting to get the point here?) This code is TOTALLY UNSUPPORTED and is not guaranteed to work at all. Also of interest is the "live" nature of the object -- it depends on system services provided by a process outside of the Interface Builder, but still works as expected in test mode. Other services that you might use in the same way as this program uses Display PostScript are: Mathematica, Sybase, Common Lisp, or ANY NEXTSTEP APPLICATION (since Speaker/Listener pairs are everywhere). There is an article in the March 1990 issue of Buzzings, a user group newsletter, that describes this code in more detail. The capabilities of custom Interface Builders are phenomenal. Try it! David Stutz