nibIT 1.0 Demo Version. ----------------------- This demo version has full functionality until 1/5/95. Any questions or comments please contact Michael Lofquist at: Please refer to the user guide and ordering details contained within the release. INSTALLING NIBIT To install nibIT copy the nibIT-1.0-demo.tar.gz file and place in the directory of your choice: /LocalDeveloper/Palettes/nibIT-demo/ would be an good choice. Start up a terminal session and login with a account that has write priviliges to the directory where you want to place the nibIT release directory and files. Make a nibIT-demo directory: > mkdir nibIT-1.0-demo and copy the nibIT-1.0-demo.tar.gz file into that directory. To un-compress the release use the command: > gzip -d nibIT-1.0-demo.tar.gz Then un-tar the file using the command: > tar xvf nibIT-1.0.tar-demo.tar This will create the following files: libnibIT.a nibIT.palette nibIT-UserGuide1.0.rtfd nibIT-Ordering.rtf The libnibIT.a is a library file to be included with any applications using a nib file which contains a nibIT object. The nibIT.palette is a nib file palette which should loaded into the interface builder. The nibIT-UserGuide1.0.rtfd contains the nibIT documentation. The nibIT-Ordering.rtf contains the price and ordering information for nibIT.