DevMan VNP Software 180 Franklin St. Cambridge, MA 02139 USA Sales Voice: 802-496-7799 Sales Fax: 802-496-7790 Tech Support Voice: 617-661-4292 Tech Support Fax: 617-864-6768 Cambridge, MA - November 15, 1994 - VNP Software today announced availability of DevMan Version 1.2. As the leading Software Configuration Management (SCM) tool for NEXTSTEP computers, DevMan provides powerful, yet easy-to-use support for development projects of any size. DevMan's core functionality is now also available on Solaris, SunOS, and HP/UX systems. DevMan's user interface provides programmers with easy, reliable access to source code control functions. Daily tasks, such as checking files in and out or synchronizing your work area with other developers' work, can be performed either from the Workspace Manager's "Services" menu, from the command line, or from DevMan's GUI. Additional consistency features extend the usefulness of source-code control - identifying newly added or modified files during the check-in process, and automatically removing files that others have deleted from the repository. DevMan also transparently handles NeXT file packages such as .nib and .dbmodel directories. Central to DevMan's design is the concept of "development branches," which allows parallel independent development in the same directory. For example, development branches allow developers to apply emergency fixes to a protected production branch within a source-code repository - allowing an easy merge of production fixes with the active development branch when appropriate. DevMan uses development branches in conjunction with "configuration maps" to designate static or dynamic configurations of any set of source files. This key feature allows all of the files and directories for any project to be grouped, maintained, released and recovered as a single unit, using very simple commands. DevMan also offers a security layer that lets you control access to operations at both the configuration management and source code control levels. "DevMan gives us sophisticated configuration management and source-code control at a fraction of the cost of competing products," said Jim Loree, Senior Software Analyst, Chrysler Financial Corporation. "Our developers rely on DevMan's synchronization features to coordinate their work, and the configuration management features are essential for managing our systems across the development, test and production phases." DevMan Version 1.2 is priced at $495 per seat ($4295 for 10 seats) and is available immediately. A demo version of DevMan is available via anonymous ftp at in the /pub/DevMan directory. World Wide Web users may access the DevMan home page at . The Concepts chapter of the DevMan documentation is also available. VNP Software (Cambridge, MA) offers development tools and consulting expertise to the NEXTSTEP community. Other VNP Software products include the AccessKit, for class-based database access; the UIBinder Palette, for binding object information to the user interface; and IXAdaptor, the DBKit adaptor for NeXT's Indexing Kit. Send email to for more details.