YBOS - Yellow Box and OpenStep development on a single NT machine Version 1.0 Copyright 1998 by Eric Sunshine Eric Sunshine, May 24, 1998 YBOS is a utility which provides the capability to perform both Yellow Box and OpenStep development on a single Windows NT machine. Normally these development environments are mutually exclusive and the developer who needs to work with both environments typically resorts to configuring two separate Windows NT machines; one for Yellow Box, and one for OpenStep. YBOS works around this problem by providing a batch file which toggles between the environments dynamically. Toggling between environments requires neither logging out nor rebooting, and is as simple as double-clicking on the YBOS.bat desktop shortcut. This package includes: YBOS.bat - A batch file which toggles between Yellow Box and OpenStep. YBOS.rtf - Installation and usage instructions for YBOS.bat. KILL.exe - A command-line utility for terminating programs. KILL.c - Source code for the KILL.exe program. YBOS.bat, KILL.c, and the accompanying documentation were written by Eric Sunshine and are copyright (C)1998 by Eric Sunshine. Please send comments to Eric Sunshine MIME, NeXT, and ASCII mail accepted.