(Hey, Emacs, this is -*- indented-text -*-) Copyright (C) 1989 Jacob Gore 3044 S. Akron St., Denver, CO 80231-4605, USA This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (in file COPYING); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. WHAT: Description of the Package This package was created to make it easier to include the GNU General Public License (GPL) into the interface of a NextStep application. It consists of three components: 1. An Interface Builder module (a .nib file) containing a sample Info Panel. The Info Panel displays the copyright notice for the application, and has a button for bringing up a License Panel. The programmer would copy this sample info panel and paste it into the NIB file for the application. 2. The source code to class GNULicense, and a NIB module that uses and provides the License Panel, which displays the GPL (in rich text and in a scroll view). This panel also has a "Print" button, for printing the GPL. 3. The GPL itself, as a WriteNow document and as an RTF file. HOW: Using This Package in an Application The package was set up so that the entire procedure of merging it into an application could be performed inside Interface Builder. There are two steps involved: (1) copying and customizing the Info Panel, and (2) connecting the License Panel to its "License" button. 0. Preparation Copy the files GNULicense.h, GNULicense.m and GNULicense.nib into your project directory. Get into the Interface Builder. 1. Copying and customizing the Info Panel Open the file SampleInfoPanel.nib (it doesn't have to be in your project directory, and it won't be included in your project). 1.a. If you have not done anything of consequence to the InfoPanel object in your application: Select InfoPanel and copy it to the pasteboard. That's all you need from SampleInfoPanel.nib, so you can close or hide it now. Open your application's nib file, select its "objects" window and paste. The sample Info Panel will be added to it, and called "Panel" (or "Panel1", etc.). Delete the old InfoPanel object and rename the new info panel object into "InfoPanel". Connect the "Info" item in the application's main menu to the "makeKeyAndOrderFront:" action of the new InfoPanel. 1.b. If you already have an elaborate InfoPanel in your application: Copy the copyright box from the InfoPanel object in SampleInfoPanel and paste it into the InfoPanel object in your application. Don't forget the copyright (c-in-a-circle) symbol, which is just floating on top of the title of the copyright box (because box titles aren't multifont, and that character is in the Symbol font). Edit the strings and icons appropriately. (Unless you REALLY want James T. Kirk to hold the copyright of your application:-) 2. Connecting the License Panel The License Panel lives in its own interface file, GNULicense.nib. It contains a rather large text object, and there is rarely any need to have it loaded at launch time. The GNULicense object serves as the link between NIB modules. Using the class browser, create a subclass of Object, name it "GNULicense", then parse it in. Instantiate it (recommendation: call the instance "License Panel"). Connect the "License" button on the InfoPanel to the "showLicense:" action of License Panel. Add GNULicense.[hm] and GNULicense.nib to the project. That's it. Save, save, save! :-) WHERE: Installation Considerations File GNULicense.wn should be installed as /LocalLibrary/GNU/GNULicense.wn (or, if NeXT starts distributing this package, in /NextLibrary/GNU/GNULicense.wn), where all GNU software can refer to it. Alternately, it can be installed by individual users as ~/Library/GNU/GNULicense.wn . The file GNULicense.rtf is not used by the package. It corresponds to the text included in the scroll view of the License Panel, and is provided for convenience. TO DO: If somebody can tell me how to print the license without invoking WriteNow (but still provide the user with the convenience of the Print Panel), I'll be very grateful.