FSInstrument The FSInstument package on this archive site contains a demonstration of simple application monitoring tools available from FreemanSoft. These tools enable tracing of DO and EOF traffic inside the NeXT provided objects. The library currently logs all sent and received DO messages as well as some housekeeping functions in DO. It also logs high level operations represented by the EOF access stack of objects. EOF logging shows the beginning and ending location of each operation. Applications are instrumented via the FSProbe.bundle which is dynamically loaded into the target application. The instrumentation bundle is activated by three (3) lines of code that must be added to the client application. The activation code loads the FSProbe bundle and tells it to insert the probes into the DO and/or EOF layers. The probes do all of the logging in a thread safe manner without client application intervention. Trace listings are acquired , pruned and viewed from the FSProbeStation application. The probe station extracts data from clients vi a DO connection. A single probe station can grab trace listings from any number of client applications including multiple running copies of a program on a single machine. Test Programs There are three test programs supplied with this demonstration package. Two of them , RemoteVote and RemoteSpot are DO monitoring examples. The third program is an EOF probing example called PeopleDemo which is built against the sybase model in the NextDeveloper/Examples directory. RemoteVote is a group activity program that requires multiple people in order to provide any interesting data. Run one copy of RemoteVote and wait until it becomes the voting server. Then, run a second copy of RemoteVote which will become a client. Move some of the sliders in one of the client applications to generate some DO traffic. RemoteSpot is a group activity program that requires multiple people in order to provide any interesting data. Run one copy of RemoteSpot and wait until it becomes the voting server. Then, run a second copy of RemoteSpot which will become a client. Move some of the spots in one of the client applications to generate some DO traffic. PeopleDemo is a Sybase access program that also comes from the example directory. It assumes you have the PEOPLE database loaded into a Sybase database. You only need to run one copy to generate interesting EOF tracing information. FSProbeStation The probe station finds the client applications via selections made in the open panel. Run the FSProbeStation.app. Then open a connection to the monitored program by entering its name in the open panel. RemoteVote and RemoteSpot users will see one trace listing window come up for each copy of RemoteVote or RemoteSpot that was running on the specified machine. PeopleDemo probes should only return a single trace window because only one copy of PoepleDemo is usually running. The trace window for a client application closes automatically on termination of the client application. More Information Contact via email at info@FreemanSoft.com for availability, packaging and pricing information.