FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ComponentEditor 0.01 - First WebObjects Tool - FIRST RELEASE Thu. 2. February 1996 The source and binary(Intel only) distribution of have been uploaded to I don't know where it finally will move to. Description. is very simple editor. Do not expect too much from it. Remember that it was my one night hack when I finally get lost in hundreds of's windows while checking out WebObject's examples. What it does? Not much so far. It just open WebObject's component directory *.wo and displays files found there (*.html, *.wod, *.wos) in *one* window. You can edit and view all three files at once. Later, I want it to more powerful tool for WebObject's components editing like by Tomas Engel for ObjC code editing. Now I need your feedback. Think about this project as a RFD (request for discussion). Share and enjoy, Aleksey. Contact details: Name: Aleksey Sudakov Address:Moscow Institute of Physics & Technologies Computer Research & Educational Centre Department of Managment & Applied Math 25 Moscow drive Dolgoprudny,Moscow region Russia Phone: +7(095)408-6695 Fax: +7(095)408-6641 e-mail: (NeXT mail, MIME ok) WWW: