This is the README document for the CodeCounter application. Version 1.1: A minor change was made to the initial version. The change was to add File: to the panel. A rather simple change that probably should have been included in the first release. In addition, I have included the source code for the command line version of This source (count.c) compiles with the gnu compiler (cc) and accepts wild cards for input (e.g., *.c, *.m, etc). In addition, the command line version prints out totals. Version 1.0: The CodeCounter app does exactly what it says: it counts the lines of code in a module. It will count physical non-commented lines of code in files with "c", "h", "m", "cc", "e" extensions and display them on the panel next to Lines: . It will also count the physical lines of comments, either C-style comments (/*.....*/) or Objective-C/C++ style comments (//) and display them on the panel next to Comments: . Finally, the number of physical blank lines are displayed on the panel next to Blanks: . The file is selected by a file browser. The source code for the application is in the public domain and was originally written as 'kdsi.c' by Brian Renaud and subsequently modified by me. The usual disclaimers apply (see comments in ConvertObject.m). Please feel free to modify the code as you see fit, but please give credit to the original author (Brian Renaud) and myself (Scott Maretick) for our contributions. If you have any comments or questions you may reach me at the email address below. I also have a command line version of this application which accepts wild cards for input arguments. If you would like a copy of this code, email me and I will send it. Scott Maretick