ClassMaker v1.08 Copyright (c) 1993,1994 Plexare Development - All Rights Reserved. July 5th, 1994 This is the third public release of ClassMaker; a NEXTSTEP documentation generator. ClassMaker parses Objective-C header files and searches for class, protocol and catagory definitions and then produces either .m files or RTF documentation. It produces the RTF documentation in the same format as the NeXT documentation. It will also produce better .m files than InterfaceBuilder does when unparsing. If you have any questions, comments or bug reports please direct them to Hope you enjoy the app, Mike Barthelemy Bug List as of v1.08 1: Does not handle multiple delarations on a single line: (Just like InterfaceBuilder.) int a; int b; Only "int a;" will be processed. 2: Does not handle variable argument lists to methods. (I acutually have no idea what would happen. I havn't tested a header which uses them.) 3: Static definitions of size for instance variables are ignored: int a[1023][984]; The string "a[1023][984]" will be used as its name instead of just "a" 4: Ignores @interface declarations if they are not a catagory of the first "Object" found. 5: Ignores @protocol declarations if they are in a header with an "Object" 6: Braces in wierd places can mess it up. 7: Probably will die if your code can't be compiled. 8: The struct handling is weak. 9: Writes RTF files with same filename as header files. (Just the extension changes.) 10. Methods must include some spacing if they do not have label names. This method will parse incorrectly: - drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects:(int)rectCount; While this one will parse correctly: - drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount; 11: The definition of an "Object" to the program is an @interface which has both a class and superclass.