I found a piece of code the other day that I haven't been working on in over a year. The climate for DBKit adaptors seems to have changed too. I therefore submit it to the net with the hopes that somebody will find it useful. Locations for gdbmAdaptor: ftp://ftp.cs.orst.edu/pub/next/binaries/database/gdbmAdaptor-0.5.NIHS.bs.README ftp://ftp.cs.orst.edu/pub/next/binaries/database/gdbmAdaptor-0.5.NIHS.bs.tar.gz This version replaces all prior versions of dbmAdaptor and gdbmAdaptor distributions. Welcome to gdbmAdaptor This is gdbmAdaptor, the freely available NEXTSTEP DBKit-compliant Adaptor and a "Flat-File" Database all in one. gdbmAdaptor is based on GNU DBM and comes with full source. gdbmAdaptor hides all the details concerning data-storage with DBKit. It is not necessary to know anything about the GDBM system itself, even though knowledge of DBKit programming is required. gdbmAdaptor is distributed under the GNU General Public License (including full source), with the hopes that it will be useful, and become the lowest common denominator for DBKit systems. gdbmAdaptor is still to be considered Beta-software and the source is provided as-is (i.e hardly commented at all). Please beware of gdbmAdaptor's limitations before using it. GDBM is not included in this distribution but is available separately at any site which provides GNU software. This adaptor is also for use with NDBM (standard UNIX dbm). Recompile the adaptor with the right flags and you'll get a NDBM complient DBKit adaptor. This version is: gdbmAdaptor Release 3.3 (v0.5) Send comments, questions, suggestions and bug reports to: Mike Henry Tomtebogatan 30 S-113 38 Stockholm SWEDEN E-Mail: mike@stacken.kth.se Good Luck and Enjoy!