MiniSQLAdaptor Copyright 1995 by M. Onyschuk and Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved. MiniSQLAdaptor is an Enterprise Objects Framework compatible adaptor for Mini SQL, a free multi-user SQL server that you can run under NEXTSTEP. This is a preliminary release of the adaptor, so do not count on it to work without error, though chances are good that typical EOF style transactions will work without troubles. INSTRUCTIONS: ******************* *** PLEASE NOTE *** ******************* To build and run this version of MiniSQL Adaptor, you first need a copy of the MiniSQL server distribution version 1.0.7.NS (1). This patched version of the 1.0.7 distribution is maintained on the StepWise server: ******************* *** PLEASE NOTE *** ******************* 1. To build your new MiniSQL adaptor, first unpack and build the MiniSQL server. 2. Modify the Makefile.preamble file found in the MiniSQL adaptor project to point it to the MiniSQL server build directory: # MINI SQL TOP LEVEL BUILD DIRECTORY MSQL_DIR = /Users/mark/src/msql-1.0.7.NS/targets/NeXT-3.3 3. Build and install the MiniSQL Adaptor using ProjectBuilder. FEEDBACK: Bug-reports, comments, suggestions, and feature requests can be sent via electronic mail to Also please consider sending in your modifications of the package so that I can roll them into the next release of the adaptor. HISTORY: ** MiniSQLEOFAdaptor.941216.s.gnutar.gz initial release ** MiniSQLEOFAdaptor.941219.s.gnutar.gz modified msql_priv.h in msql-1.0 distribution to increase the size of msqld's connection table. This solves some intermittent crashing of the server. fixed bug in WHERE clause generation of relationships ** MiniSQLEOFAdaptor.941223.s.gnutar.gz reconfigured msql-1.0 build to use yacc and lex rather than bison and flex. fixed bug uncovered in EOF 1.0 by covering MiniSQLAdaptorContext method -nestedTransactions with new method -transactionNestingLevel. ** MiniSQLEOFAdaptor.950302.s.gnutar.gz removed msql-1.0.5 distribution from adaptor source distribution. fixed MSQLExpression class to properly generate SQL code for n-table joins (n > 2). ** MiniSQLEOFAdaptor.950305.s.gnutar.gz reenabled support for table aliasing within MSQLExpression after adding support for this feature to MSQL server (submitted to for inclusion into the official MSQL distribution). MSQL can now evaluate expressions like: select t0.LAST_NAME, t1.LAST_NAME from EMPLOYEE t0, EMPLOYEE t1 where t0.MANAGER = t1.EMP_ID ** MiniSQLEOFAdaptor.950408.s.gnutar.gz added methods new to Enterprise Objects Framework v1.1 fixed -fetchInProgress bug, the adaptor no longer erroneously reports that a fetch is in progress when there is none... ** MiniSQLEOFAdaptor.950703.s.gnutar.gz adaptor returns EONulls for NULL datablase values, rather than empty strings [Pascal Forget ] adaptor now correctly handles NULL zones passed to MiniSQLAdaptorChannel's -fetchAttributes:withZone: method [Pascal Forget ] --- (1) we've produced a patched version of MSQL which fixes several problems that cause the server to be unstable in the NeXT environment, namely use of the tmpnam() function which is known to be troublesome under NeXT OS, and the size of msqld's connection table (which is indexed by socket number).