Copyright c1996 by SUMERIS Technology. All Rights Reserved. QuantaBase - Release 1.0 v1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUMERIS Technology 7310 Cactus Curve 17, avenue du Tramway Chanhassen, MN 55317 94420 Le Plessis-Tr]vise USA France (612) 474-6505 +33 1 49 41 15 01 (612) 470-3593 fax Fax: +33 1 45 94 24 64 info@SUMERIS.COM _________________________________________________________________________________________________ QuantaBase DEMO Release 1.0 v1 Localization: English for NeXT, Intel, HPPA and SPARC running NEXTSTEP 3.x and OPENSTEP 4.x for Mach _________________________________________________________________________________________________ About QuantaBase QuantaBase is a database access and reporting application. It can be used for both data entry and to create multipage reports using multiple databases. It is build around a client/server architecture (multiuser & multiserver) and in its standard form uses QuantaServer, (also used in the SUMERIS Accounting System). QuantaBase is specifically designed for OpenStepnd takes advantage of the ease-of-use and power of such an object-oriented system. Installation The fat version of QuantaBase runs on all computers running NEXTSTEP 3.x or OPENSTEP 4.x for Mach. To fully install this DEMO version you will need the following files: QuantaBase_1.0_v1.NIHS.b.tar.gz (8.929.723 bytes) QuantaBase_Examples.tar.gz (580.780 bytes) QuantaBase_Demo_Patch.1.0.v1.pkg.tar.gz (3.396 bytes) To complete the installation of this quad-fat version, you will need about 27MB of disk space. A thin version for Intel processors is also available ; to use this version use the following files instead: QuantaBase_1.0_v1.I.b.tar.gz QuantaBase_Examples.tar.gz QuantaBase_Demo_Patch.1.0.v1.pkg.tar.gz A thin version for NeXT Computers may also be available ; to use this version use the following files instead: QuantaBase_1.0_v1.N.b.tar.gz QuantaBase_Examples.tar.gz QuantaBase_Demo_Patch.1.0.v1.pkg.tar.gz To complete the installation of a thin version, you will need about 9 MB of disk space. To complete the installation proceed as follows: Copy the files into the hard disk of your computer: copy QuantaBase_1.0_v1.NIHS.b.tar.gz into /LocalApps or your Home Apps folder and copy QuantaBase_Examples.tar.gz into /LocalLibrary or ~/Library and decompress it using gnutar/gzip as explained below. (1) Restore the files with gnutar/gzip To restore the files from QuantaBase_1.0_v1.NIHS.b.tar.gz proceed as follows:. 7 Go into the directory where the file is located (/LocalLibrary or ~/Library): To do so, in a Terminal window type (or drag-and-drop the folder icon into the Terminal window): cd /LocalApps (or : cd ~/Apps ) Press return while in the Terminal window. --> decompress the file using gnutar To do so, in a Terminal window type gnutar xfpz QuantaBase_1.0_v1.NIHS.b.tar.gz Then press return. wait for the decompression process to finish (it will take a several minutes) This process will restore the application should be placed in /LocalApps or in a user's Apps folder. (2) Install QuantaBase_Examples in /LocalLibrary or ~/Library --> Go into the directory where QuantaBase_Examples.tar.gz is located : To do so, in the Terminal window type (or drag-and-drop the folder icon into the Terminal window): cd /LocalLibrary (or : cd ~/Library ) Press return while in the Terminal window. --> decompress the file using gnutar To do so, in a Terminal window type gnutar xfpz QuantaBase_Examples.tar.gz Then press return. wait for the decompression process to finish. IMPORTANT: In order to best use the demonstration examples the folder QuantaBase_Examples should be located in /LocalLibrary. (3) Install QuantaBase_Demo_Patch.1.0.v1.pkg.tar.gz in the folder where is located. This package contains files needed to run the demo as described in the on-line help. When this package is not installed the system will not be able to locate the default database. To restore the pacakge QuantaBase_Demo_Patch.1.0.v1.pkg: in a Terminal window type gnutar xfpz QuantaBase_Demo_Patch.1.0.v1.pkg.tar.gz Then double-click on the file package QuantaBase_Demo_Patch.1.0.v1.pkg to launch NeXT Installer application. Install the package in the directory where is located (typically, in /LocalApps or ~/Apps). You can ignore the warning panel and safely override previous files contained in IMPORTANT DEMO INFORMATION The demo version supports all QuantaBase features of the full version, but: 7 With the DEMO versions, you cannot print QuantaReport documents. 7 The database demo version will not expand as more disk space is needed; therefore, you cannot create more than a predefined amount of information. Also, your database access is limited and you will not be able to open more than 2 accounting databases/companies at once; if you try to do so you will get a Server message like "no_such_table". Overview QuantaBase is a database access and reporting application. It can be used for both data entry and to create multipage reports using multiple databases. It is build around a client/server architecture (multiuser & multiserver) and in its standard form uses QuantaServer, (also used in the SUMERIS Accounting System). QuantaBase allows the creation of multiwindow documents with live and dynamic database connections using drag-and-drop report graphics such as Frames, Columns, Cells, Texts, Text Fields, Images, Sounds and Table Views. Report graphics can include complex formulas mixing text and numeric expressions, database references and cross-document references. QuantaBase is multimedia capable: image or sound graphics can be created with or without database association, as well as complex RTF texts with embedded formulas. QuantaReport unique design allows sophisticated, structured documents to be created with constructs such as Master-Detail relationships and dynamic creation of fetch expressions upon simple user actions. QuantaBase scripting language enables even greater customization and provides an easy to use API to many of QuantaReport functionnalities. Scripts may be attached to button or cell graphics to perform various user actions. Script functions include: 7 mailing functions like print, fax and e-mail functions 7 database functions to fetch or save records 7 date, numerical and text functions 7 general functions like AlertPanel, OpenWindow etc.. c 1996 SUMERIS Technology. All rights Reserved SUMERIS and SUMERIS Technology are trademarks of SUMERIS Technology. NeXTSTEP and NeXT are registered trademarks of NeXT Computer, Inc. Intel is registered trademark of Intel Corporation.