-------------------------------------------------------------- ftp://ftp.cs.orst.edu/software/NeXT/demos/database/Impress.README ftp://ftp.cs.orst.edu/software/NeXT/demos/database/Impress.1.0.1.tar ftp://ftp.cs.orst.edu/software/NeXT/demos/database/Impress.1.0.4.tar -------------------------------------------------------------- Version Info: Code Description Arch. 1.0.1 Old Release Version NeXT/Intel 1.0.4 Current Release Version NeXT/Intel/HPPA-RISC/Sparc Supports NS3.3 -------------------------------------------------------------- Check Sum Values: Zip Files Size Check Sum Value Impress.1.0.1.tar.z 6149349 25444 6006 Impress.1.0.4.tar.z 9032834 62896 8822 Tar Files Impress.1.0.1.tar 18618 6690 -------------------------------------------------------------- Objective Technologies, Inc. Attn: Eric Bergerson 177 East 77th Suite 6A New York, NY 10021 (212) 988-6268 License ======= OBJECTIVE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SOFTWARE LICENSE FOR IMPRESS(TM), SqlBuddy(TM), AND OTProvide(TM) SOFTWARE READ THIS LICENSE CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE THROUGH USE OF THE ACTIVATION KEY. ENTERING THE ACTIVATION KEY INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF AND INTENT TO BE LEGALLY BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS, DO NOT USE THE ACTIVATION KEY AND PROMPTLY CONTACT THE PARTY WHICH SOLD YOU THE LICENSE TO USE THIS SOFTWARE AND YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Effective upon use of the Activation Key to install the Software, Objective Technologies, Inc. ("OT") hereby grants to you a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the compiled version of the Impress, SqlBuddy and/or OTProvide Software ("Software") according to the following terms: (a) Concurrent access to the Software by more than one user is prohibited unless you have purchased additional licenses. All access to the Software must be from inside the local area network where the Software is installed. (b) OT retains all title to the Software, copies of the Software and updates or modifications thereto. In the event OT, in its sole discretion, makes any updates or modifications to the Software available to you, the terms of this License Agreement shall apply to all such updates and modifications. (c) You may not make copies of the Software except one copy of the Software may be made for archival or back-up purposes. All copies of the Software, whether authorized or unauthorized, are subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. (d) You may not make modifications to the Software or reverse engineer the Software except as may be specifically permitted by statute in the country where you are located. The copyright notices or other proprietary legends shall not be removed from the Software. (e) Except as may be provided in this Agreement, you may not grant sublicenses, leases or other rights in the Software to any third party. The following additional conditions apply to your use of Impress: Impress may not be used in conjunction with any resource management or allocation process, program or physical, logical or virtual device which provides delayed, remote or autonomous file or peripheral operations or services for more than one user. Impress includes the Impress Development Kit ("Kit"). The Kit includes the Impress Client Object Interface ("ICOI") and the Impress Object Interface ("IOI"). The ICOI contains software for communicating with the Impress object code. The IOI contains all other portions of the Kit which are not part of the ICOI. You may use the Kit to develop application software. You may sublicense to third parties, in executable form only, those portions of the ICOI necessary for and dedicated to communicating with the Impress object code. You may not sublicense, resell or redistribute any portion of the IOI in any form. This license is effective until terminated. It may be terminated by you by destroying the Software and all copies of the Software. It will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any of the terms of this license, and on any such termination you will destroy the Software or, if requested by OT, will return the Software and documentation and all copies to OT. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. OT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TO THE BEST OF OT'S KNOWLEDGE, THE SOFTWARE WILL NOT INFRINGE THE PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF ANY THIRD PARTY, BUT OT MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS DELIVERED FREE OF THE RIGHTFUL CLAIMS OF ANY THIRD PARTY FOR INFRINGEMENT OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL OT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR YOUR EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS OR TO THIRD PARTIES FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHETHER ARISING UNDER CONTRACT, WARRANTY OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY) OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY. IN ANY EVENT, OT'S LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE LICENSE FEE FOR THE SOFTWARE. This License Agreement supersedes any provision regarding sale or transfer of title to the Software which may appear in any other document to this transaction. No dealer, company or person other than OT is authorized to expand or alter any provision of this license; any such representations will not bind OT. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of New York without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, IF YOU HAVE BEEN GRANTED A TEMPORARY ACTIVATION KEY, THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS SHALL APPLY: (a) The Software may be used only internally and solely for the purposes of evaluation. (b) The license to use the Software will continue only as long as OT, in its sole discretion, continues the license. At some time during your use of the Software, the license will terminate, the Software may cease to operate, and programs created with the Software may become inoperable. DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE TO CREATE PRODUCTION SOFTWARE BECAUSE THE PRODUCTION SOFTWARE MAY NOT RUN ONCE THIS LICENSE HAS TERMINATED. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Product Description =================== Impress<> is a revolutionary reporting application which brings the power of desktop publishing to report-writing. It supplies free-form layout with graphical data access and mathematical calculations. Impress lets users easily retrieve, analyze and present data from relational databases. What sets Impress apart from other reporting applications is this: it is both easy enough for a standard user to use, and flexible enough to accommodate every type of report. This is a major departure from standard report-writers which are either so inflexible that they handle only a very limited variety of reports, or are so complex that they require a programmer in order to produce a report. Impress is able to deliver both ease of use and flexibility because it provides a small set of general concepts which solve a large range of needs. These paradigms are quickly mastered and their wide application makes them suitable to users of all levels of expertise. Impress' features are accessed by such well-known metaphors as dragging-and-dropping, and palettes of elements. An object-oriented scripting language performs calculations and fills the elements with data. Using these simple but impressive tools, a user can create all kinds of reports. Using these simple but impressive tools, a user can create payroll reports, phone lists, labels, form letters, reference materials and corporate annual reports. Installation Information ======================== The software contains "tar'ed" directories. Unpacking the "tar'ed" file will extract a set of directories. Each directory contains the software which is normally on a separate floppy disk when the Software is distributed on physical media. After unpacking the "tar'ed" file, treat the set of directories as floppy disks, and perform an installation as if you had received the Software on floppy disks. Follow all installation instructions when available. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call or write. Objective Technologies, Inc. Attn: Eric Bergerson 177 East 77th Suite 6A New York, NY 10021 Phone: 212 988 6268 Fax: 212 988 6273 Email: info@object.com