Stone Design's DataPhile Y2K ============================ - the NEXTSTEP Database Manager for the rest of us. Create your own databases with sounds, files, rich text, money, booleans, URL fields, and much, much more! This online package contains software for: MOTOROLA, INTEL, HP_RISC, and SPARC Pricing ******* To purchase a new license or upgrade, visit and click on "Order" for a secure, online ordering form or contact us at the numbers below. DataPhile Y2K $159 upgrade from V 3.1 $ 59 Stone Design Corp Contact & Order Information ********************************************* To reach us: Telephone: (505) 345 4800 Fax: (505) 345 3424 Email: Web: Mail: Stone Design Corp 2400 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Suite 116 Albuquerque, NM, 87104, USA December 26th, 1998