READ ME: Contact: Dana Parrish E-mail: Date: November 21, 1996 Description: Complete Access 1.3 Complete Access is an end-user application permitting both the novice and the database professional to quickly and easily create sophisticated documents based on data from an external data source. These documents may be hierarchical reports, forms, columnar reports, form letters, envelopes, and labels. Summary pages may also be created to display aggregate or calculated values without showing the individual records from which they were derived. Database reporting applications typically create static documents which require continuous query execution to be modified. Complete Access documents are dynamic, allowing the user to perform "what-if" scenarios on data by omitting, finding, sorting, and applying various filters to browse a subset of data retrieved with a database query or text file import. Multiple documents may reference the results of a single query or import. Complete Access Developer 1.3 Complete Access Developer is an Interface Builder palette permitting the application developer to quickly and easily build hierarchical reports, forms, columnar reports, form letters, envelopes, labels and summaries into their mission critical applications. This palette picks up where EOF leaves off, allowing you to build documents with calculated and aggregate results and apply arbitrary formatting rules to dates, times, and numbers. All this is available without any additional programming. Reports are designed in a free form environment sporting a paper interface; the paper size and orientation are arbitrary. There is more to Complete Access Developer than creating reports, however. Applications built with this palette permit your customers to perform "what-if" scenarios on data by omitting, finding, sorting, and applying various filters to browse a subset of data retrieved with a database query or text file import. Multiple documents may reference the results of a single query or import. Multiple query results and imports are easily combined as well. Notes: This file does not require root permissions to run or install. However, since this is a demo, a license string is required. Please contact Dana Parrish of Ocean Software at the e-mail address above for this license string.