About SQLViewer.... The purpose of SQLViewer was to build a tool (for users that did not want to learn SQL) to display data from Oracle databases. It turned out to be a good browser for someone who knows SQL as well. SqlViewer lets you display data from Oracle and Sybase databases via either pre - canned queries that you build ahead of time or though a SQL entry panel where you can enter your query manually. You do not need to have model files. You can save the data and the queries. The data file can be read in with spreadsheets. IMPORTANT!!!! THIS APP RUNS ON INTEL AND MOTOROLA BUT REQUIRES THAT YOU INSTALL THE EOF (ENTERPRISE OBJECTS FRAMEWORK) USER PACKAGE. I will compile for HP when we get NextStep 3.3. You can send bug reports and comments to rsbrown@nosc.mil and I will try to get to them when I can. I am now on another project and have a very limited amount of time for enhancements/debugging. ENJOY!! rsbrown@nosc.mil