DATADRILL A multithreaded raw SQL evaluation tool. DataDrill submits your sql command using EOF to any SQL server. It does not use object models, or understand eomodels beyond the basic Connection Dictionary. It requires Foundation, and EOF 1.1 I use it on Intel running 3.3 I have used it successfully on 4.0 and 4.1, but it requires the EOUser.pkg to be installed. I have not tried it on < 3.3 It currently only supports one Adaptor type at a time (Oracle, Sybase, QuickBase, OpenBase, ... ) and it only reads from the OracleAdaptorDrill.eomodel inside the app wrapper. However support for each window using a different adaptor is tested, I just need to complete the interface to change adaptors. To use a different data source (other than oracle) simply edit the OracleAdaptorDrill.eomodel file, or rename one of the Samples included. DataDrill maintains a history of commands executed in each window, and a dictionary/archive of commonly used commands. In addition, I have included a command line tool, that can be executed in interactive mode, or from cron to generate and email reports. I have used it to generate tab delimited reports that my customers will import into a spreadsheet, and to mail status reports to myself on daily/weekly/monthly schedules. This is version 1.46, and changes are already under way for a 2.0 release. Much of the supporting structure is already ported to OpenStep, but current situations have limited the time I have available for a porting effort. The one thing I would really like to complete is an Archive view similar to the one in OmniWeb's Bookmarks. If anyone is doing any work on this, I would love to contribute. David Aspinall Thu Feb 20 13:59:03 EST 1997 --- David Aspinall ---------------- GE Capital Technology Management Services vMail : (905) 507-5039 5990 Avebury Road, Fax : (905) 507-4903 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, eMail : L5R 3R2