Displays and sets the mute status and volume on a NeXT. Version: 1.1 Christopher J. Kane (kane@cs.purdue.edu) Released into the public domain, October 19, 1992 11 Jan 1998: I believe Christoper is now Chris Kane . He has nothing to do with this compilation. I just found the source code, compiled it, and thought it might come in handy. Usage is simple (see below). Tested under NeXT and Intel. Compiled quadfat. Usage: set-vol [-s] [-m | -M] [-l ] [-r ] [-v ] Displays and optionally sets the mute and volume settings. Options: (in any order) -s silent mode; settings are not displayed -m unmute external speakers -M mute external speakers -l set volume of left speaker -r set volume of right speaker -v set both speakers; shorthand for '-l -r ' If both -m and -M are specified, the rightmost of them has effect. The parameters , , and should be integers in the range 0 (minimum volume) to 43 (maximum volume).