I am extremely sorry... The first posting of this scorefile contained errors in 'score5.out' and in 'Classical.score'. These were earlier, corrupted versions which crept into the final release. They are fixed in this release. This is a scorefile version of a Mason Williams recording of this popular piece. The 'Pluck' synthpatch has been tuned a bit to reflect his actual playing, although it is not yet ideal. In addition, 'score5.out' should be played by brass and violins. Anyone who wishes to implement this for their pleasure is free to do so. I suggest using the 'DBFm1vi' synthpatch with the database waveform "TR" for the trumpets. I tried to create a piano version of this tune using the "PN" waveform in the DB library, however I got terrible results when playing double-stops and when playing any song in general. Apparently the DSP chip is getting behind the notes because of their long duration. Is this true? I welcome any help with creating good piano scorefiles of quick and complex songs. I was able to get individual notes to sound great, but I was unable to allocate enough synthpatches to get clean results with real songs (I am a neophyte, however). If someone has created a scorefile which works in this manner, I would love to see it (shanega@athena.mit.edu). Thank-you. Shane Artis