A number of people have complained on the net about how much of a pain it is to keep resetting the date and time when alternately booting between NS and toy operating systems. My preferred advice (only partly facetious) is: "Then stop booting the toy OS." I realize that this is not a workable solution for some people. So I'm providing this software to ease the pain of those who chronically suffer from Windows. This software works by intercepting calls to reboot and halt. When /usr/etc/reboot or /usr/etc/halt are executed, a copy of timeshift is run instead. The fake reboot and halt code first determines how many seconds separate the local timezone from GMT, then the system clock is adjusted by adding that many seconds to the clock. Upon making this time adjustment, the file (/usr/etc/shifted.time) is created so that this change can be undone the next time that NS is booted. After setting the time and creating the stamp file, the real copy of reboot or halt is called to bring down the system as requested. Upon bootup (in either /etc/rc.local or /etc/rc) the script '/etc/rc.timeshift' is run. This script checks for '/usr/etc/shifted.time' and if present, runs '/usr/etc/timeshift' to reverse the process. timeshift reads the stamp file, and adjusts the system clock by subtracting the stored time difference from the clock. It then removes the stamp file. Because /usr/etc/reboot, and /usr/etc/halt are such critical OS components, care has been taken to prevent timeshift from modifying anything if the real halt or reboot will not be syncing the filesystem on the way down. When reboot -q, reboot -n, or halt -n are called the real versions are executed directly without modifying the clock. If this were not done, then rebooting the system from single user mode after fixing corrupt file systems would not be possible. An installer package in binary form is provided. During installation it will offer to add a login hook to /etc/rc. If you select 'Do Nothing' in the attentioan panel, then no change will be made, and you will have to manually add an hook to call /etc/rc.timeshift to either rc or rc.local. Though timeshift will work from either location, the call from rc is recommeded. When placed in the rc file the time will be shifted before syslogd and other system daemons are run. This means that messages they write to /usr/adm/messages will show the correct time. If called from rc.local, most daemons will be started while the clock is still in DOS time. I have included the source code to the timeshift executable as part of the distribution. I do not recommend making changes to this code. I provided the source, because I believe that people should have access to any critical pieces of code that are installed and run as root on their systems. I, myself, would be leery of this package if sources were not made available. So, if you modify the source and you encounter problems with it, then you are on your own. I will respond to feedback and suggestions for improving the package. I will not support modified copies of this code! If something heinous happens to your system and the timeshift executable becomes corrupted, then reboot and halt will no longer operate normally. In this situation you should do the following: 1. boot into single user mode. 2. fsck -p to preen your drives. 3. cd /usr/etc 4. rm timeshift 5. mv halt.real halt 6. mv reboot.real reboot The changes to your rc.timeshift will only try to run at boot when /usr/etc/shifted.time and /usr/etc/timeshift both exist. You can then reinstall timeshift from the installer package. Deleting timshift via the Installer.app will remove timeshift, and rename halt.real and reboot.real. It will also remove /etc/rc.timeshift. It will not modify /etc/rc or /etc/rc.local but since that code will now no longer try to run rc.timeshift you will still be able to boot normally until you decide to remove timeshift will reset the clock for all normal reboot and shutdown vectors: shutdown called from the shell. halt or reboot called from the shell. 'Turn it off' button in the Power off panel. 'Power off' button in the logout panel. 'Reboot' or 'Power' buttons on the login panel. Note that the time will not be shifted after a crash, or by any other ungraceful shutdown vecter (like restart via the Cmd-NumLock monitor). This means that if you boot MS/Windows before rebooting to repair filesystems, etc, then time will be off in DOS. This code is provided as shareware but is not in the public domain. It can be distributed, unmodified, in both source and binary form. If you find this software useful, and use it, please send a payment of $10. My current address is: James E. Quick 13 Nonantum Place #2 Newton, MA 02158 If you are on the net, you can always verify my current address via 'whois quick.com'