To the administrator...please put this app and this readme file in the appropriate network section of your ftp site. Thank you. This is a VERY BASIC app which will let you know who is logged on via telnet or FTP. Also it can alert you if anyone new logs on. One major advantage of this app is that it does not need any special privileges and can work as any user. The heart of the app is a system call to the unix command last. I have another version which directly accesses wtmp and obtains the same info but this version is more consistent with its information. Also this way it should work for all systems. It does not take up too much of the system's resources and does what I need. You can change the Alert.snd which sounds when someone logs on by changing the .snd file in the app wrapper. As always...This app works for me and that is my only claim. It is free and can be distributed. Usual Disclaimer.... This program's creators, contributors, or persons in anyway associated with this program shall under no circumstances be held responsible for any incidental, consequential, or damages resulting from reliance upon this program. This app will not let you know who is logged on via rsh or other similar commands. In other words, someone can still run a command on your system without you knowing it. One of the many problems with UNIX security. I hope others will find this app useful as I have. Arv