NLoad is a graphic load average display application which runs in its own application icon. It can display all three load average queues using separate colors. Setting the QueueLength default, either via a dwrite or the preferences panel, to one of All, 1, 5, 15 or any sum of those, you can limit it to displaying individual queues, pairs of queues or all of them. (By default it displays all queues.) You can also set the color for each queue. Other, remote, hosts can be monitored using the Hosts... menu item which will bring up a NetInfo Open panel and allow you to select any host in the NetInfo database. Changes for 3.0 --------------- NLoad now supports color -- see the Preferences panel. There are some additional user settable defaults, for both new and old features. There is now control over the initial placement of additional host windows, though this control is still somewhat limited. The old setting of the QueueLength default to -1 to mean all queues is still understood by the code but you should probably change it to the new value of All. Bugs ---- There is still no control over the size of windows. Color settings take affect on the next NLoad window or run. Color changes don't affect currently open windows. The loadave() routine should really take a double vector instead of long and handle the tl.tl_lscale == 0 case correctly. Unfortunately, the tbl_loadavg structure definition in doesn't agree with the (undistributed) table man page definition for the structure which uses a union. Author(s) --------- Christopher Lane ( Symbolic Systems Resources Group Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University NLoad is derived from the original 0.9 application by: Bryce Jasmer ( and Tim Johnson ( Other contributions have come from: Rex Pruess ( Weeg Computing Center University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 52242 John G. Myers (