This is KPerfMon, originally written by Kenny Leung. It's a neat performance monitor that tracks CPU, Memory, Disk, and Network resource utilization in it's icon. If you get paranoid about what's going on with your system, get this and stick it on your dock. <> Definitely a neat app; but the code is WAY broken! I took some time to clean up a couple of things as I colorized the UI, but didn't really touch the seriously broken stuff. I wish I could say that I didn't contribute a bit to the obfuscation-- unfortunately, I did contribute! The default handling part of the color code has a tendency to write/read EVERY color default when only one has been changed. Also, I used Ali Ozer's magic colorToString() and stringToColor() functions-- while they gurantee that a color written to the defaults database will not lose any information, regardless of its representation; complete overkill for this app (but a lot easier, IMHO, than sprint/scanf). The drawing stuff is pretty damn fast. The code that flips from one view to another is not! The flip code writes a default (why?) and then loops through saved data and draws the saved state one vertical segment at a time! But it does work! <> Version History: version 1.3C Ð June 27, 1995 by b.bum · added color to UI; including preferences for all color configuration. version 1.3 Ð June 27, 1995 by Garance Alistair Drosehn · make sure it's displaying the statistics for en0 (on NS/intel, it was getting the info for lo0, not en0). · if disk statistics not available, then don't try to show them. · Correct the way it switches between displays, so it's better at skipping past displays that the user has turned off. · Compiled quad-fat on NS-3.3. version 1.2 Ð November 17, 1992 by Garance Alistair Drosehn · removed the (pointless) services menu, which seems to have fixed things such that MallocDebug can now be used on KPerfMon. · fixed bug that caused memory usage to grow without bound · fixed initial display position of sliders in Preferences panel · added option to select which info should be shown when KPerfMon is flipping thru monitoring displays. version 1.1 Ð July 15, 1992 by Andrew Loewenstern · get this to compile under NeXTSTEP 3.0 · fix bug that caused a crash if the load was too high · allow finer control of poll time