HardwarePassword.app Compiled for: NeXT Hardware only Author of the app: Robert D. Nielsen Author of this really cool README: Timothy J. Luoma <476tjl@ptsmail.ptsem.edu> I had nothing to do with this app (well, I hacked in an icon, big deal). Robert D. Nielsen wrote it some time ago. I found it just recently and contacted Robert. He indicated that he no longer had the source code. Since I've seen quite a few posts from people who have gotten new NeXT machines and don't know if there is a hardware password on their machine, or who have set it and forgotten it. The common solution is to remove the internal battery. However, I tend to think of what problems would be like back at Allegheny College, where there were some 300+ NeXT machines. Would you want to pull out all the batteries and then replace them? Anyway, this app (when launched as root) will display the password (or tell you that one doesn't exist). Removing the password is as easy as highlighting existing password, deleting it, and pressing 'set'. I tested this on 3.2, and I _assume_ that it will work on all 3.x for m68k machines, but I don't know. Neither Robert nor I have the source code for this (sorry!). There is nothing implicit or explicit in making this available which should suggest that either of us guarantee that it will work, if it goes beserk, we take no blame. If you've heard a disclaimer, assume it applies. If you haven't heard any, then ask me. I asked Robert's permission for putting this on the FTP site, saying that I believed it would be a benefit to the NeXT community. He said it was fine with him. TjL --- Timothy J. Luoma 476tjl@ptsmail.ptsem.edu (ASCII ONLY!) My DOS mail reader strips off "reply-to" lines. Please include your email address in the body of any message to me.