Here is my port of python 1.3 Please read this entire file before reporting problems :-) Read README for the license and more info... UPDATE 10/06/96 This is the dr7 version, brand new compiled with my brand new unlimited linker !! I've taken again the original distribution, in order to add as few patches as possible, and yes there are fewer patches than in the dr6 version. And a few new ones, also, but they go along newly supported posix functions, so indeed it's fine :-) The socket module still lacks some functions : use with care ! THIS DISTRIBUTION As you all want it asap I have packed my python dir (which is big, due partly to all the object files, the compiled libraries and the executables. To cut down on the size, i don't include the objects modules in the distrib, but leave the libs and executables as you may not have the unlimited linker). I give you what's needed to try it out immediately ! Also note that my python dir is the original python 1.3 archive from which i have removed the mac/nt/dos specific code, useless for us, so basically you need what's here and nothing more, except the postscript docs :-) Note also that i've tar.gz'ed the tex files inside my Doc dir. I may or may not provide a cleaner distribution... If you want to start the interpreter right now, please at least go to the KNOWN BUGS section. DON'T USE (or know what you do, because you're on your own !): configure the toplevel makefile Modules/makesetup --------------------- these files either work bad or will try to modified files i had to change manually. If you want to use them, look at what they modify, and at least backup everything ! configure crashes sh, and it and makesetup rely on sed, but I don't trust sed :-) Actually now i've done the work you should no longer need to run configure. If i have the time i'll do makesetup in python ! DON'T CHANGE the makefiles config.h ------------- If you do so be aware of what you do ! especially with the #define's related with include files. If you change something some files may want to include say sys/time.h again... SAFELY CHANGE Modules/config.c and Modules/Makefile ---------------- the MODOBJS list. You are welcome to add new modules but DON'T run makesetup, I don't trust it at all, rather please add what's needed by hand. Ie in the makefile you change the MODOBJS affectation (say add a 'mymodmodule.o'), and in config.c you add an extern void initmymod(); and a {"mymod",initmymod}, (with the comma) in the inittab array. See below, too. MODIFIED FILES : For the source files I modified, i put the changes between #ifdef BEBOX/#else/#endif so you can easily figure out what had to be changed. This is what is assumed when I write changed, removed or added. Posix things : we currently have the following includes: Unix.h and unistd.h (which includes the previous one) so everywhere posix things are referenced the #inclusions must be replaced with unistd.h - this will be refered as the unistd.h problem. We have the same issue with sys/time.h, which i replaced with time.h, though it doesn't have some structures (timeval among others) - this will refered as the sys/time.h problem. sys/types.h is also missing, but Unix.h most of the time will do the job - refered as the sys/types.h problem. config.h Objects/Makefile Parser/Makefile Parser/intrcheck.c Python/Makefile ------------------ Because the configure script crashes sh, and anyway the AR or CFLAGS definitions are up to us beboxens. Also note that I have added a #define USE_SIGNAL_MODULE to tell Parser/intrcheck.c and Python/sigcheck.c not to define some functions that are more completely implemanted in Modules/signalmodule.c. That way we avoid some linking warnings, and the risk to link the libs in the bad order, which could lead to the inclusion of the bad implementations of these functions Include/myselect.h ------------------ Added #include <socket.h> for the FD_??? macros. Include/thread.h ---------------- See Python/thread_bebox.h. Python/pythonrun.c ------------------ Removed a reference to SIOUX.h and a SIOUX... function appearing when __MWERKS__ is defined, but it's for the mac only. Python/sigcheck.c ----------------- See Parser/intrcheck.c. Python/thread.c --------------- Added the #include thread_bebox.h if BEBOX is defined. Python/thread_bebox.h --------------------- This is a new file, the implementation of the threads, locks and semaphores functions used by python when compiled with threads. It is based on thread_foobar.h and inspired by the implementation for other architecture (I looked at what did exactly the nt and aix version, as thread_foobar.h is not clear about what must be done exactly). Also, unfortunately the exit_thread() name clashes with the new exit_thread kernel call so I have renamed the Python function to _Py_exit_thread in thread_bebox, Include/thread.h and Modules/threadmodule.c. Modules/threadmodule.c ---------------------- See Python/thread_bebox.h. Modules/signalmodule.c ---------------------- Added #define _SIGMAX __signal_max (don't ask me why, ask Be !). alarm is missing because as does its counterpart in See also Parser/intrcheck.c. Modules/socketmodule.c ---------------------- Added various #defines for missing constants, but probably the related features won't work. I also added the gethostbyaddr prototype by hand, it isn't in the headers but is in the libraries ! The functions getsockopt is currently removed because of missing getsockopt(). The accept() on the BeBox always returns an address with sa_family==0 (should be 1 as only AF_INET is supported). I hope the address is correct anyway... Patched the support function makesockaddr() so that it handles 0 and 1 as AF_INET. It works, that way, with the sample examples in the python library manual, with both the server and the client. *** will have to check if that bug is still present !!!! Modules/Setup ------------- I updated this file according to the available modules, though it's quite useless, as i didn't used makesetup to update the makefile and config.c Modules/config.c ---------------- The job of makesetup is done by hand, ie if you want to add or remove a module, before recompiling you add or remove an extern void initMyModule(); statement and a a line {"MyMod",initMyMod}, in the inittab array (look at it, it's simple !). Modules/Makefile ---------------- This is the big piece : first it has the definitions for CC, CFLAGS and the like, as the other makefiles, then the list of the modules object files to add to libModule.a (ie that will be available in the interpreter) is maintained by hand. This list is in the variable MODOBJS. This is the only thing you may change safely, unless you experiment a complete rebuild. Also we use the provided getopt.c, because the Be libraries don't export getopt(). There are some definitions here and there. If you don't understand something, ask me. And now this makefile will build a static, monolythic binary, pythonstatic and a shared libs version, more on this hereafter. Modules/libPyCore.exp --------------------- Contains the exported symbols (well some ! Add any symbol causing a linker error if you add new modules). CURRENTLY AVAILABLE MODULES : array, math, regex, strop, struct, time, fcntl, audioop, imageop, rgbimg, md5, rotor, parser, binascii, environment, timing, select, posixmodule, signal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They compiled (more or less...) fine because they are system independant or the BeOS is unix compatible enough for them. Note that posix module is now in this list as it compiles fine, as well as signal. thread ------ I wrote it :-) No big deal, but it is there and it works. Notice that it only exports the threads and locks functions, and not full semaphores. I've tested the threads and lock with scripts, but not the semaphores of course. Some of the threads implementation for other architectures leave the semaphore functions empty, ie python currently doesn't use them, but anyway if somebody wants them they can be added. socket ------ Compiles, thanks to some constants taken from Linux :-) Of course I guess that if they aren't in the includes it's probably that the associated features are not implemented, but anyway the source is ready for a more complete implementation. Now that fdopen is there, i hope we can use read() and write() on sockets. I'll have to check that too. MODULES THAT COULD BE AVAILABLES : stdwin ------ Could be nice. But on the other hand I would rather implement modules for the Be API first. one of the dynamic loading modules ---------------------------------- To be able to load modules on the fly, couple scripts with apps more tightly than through inter process communication... This could be done with the BeOS images, I'll have to look at it later. Once again if anybody is interested... new --- If somebody really wants it, it compiles fine. But I find it useless :-) MODULES THAT MAKE NO SENSE ON BeOS AND THAT YOU'LL NEVER HAVE :-) objc -------------------------------------------------------------------- NeXT and objective c dependant. pwd, grp, crypt, dbm, gbm, termios, nis, mpz, curses, syslog, sybase, gdbm, bsddb --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rely on Unix/multi user/commercial apps/libraries we don't have yet. sundevaudio ----------- Guess what ! gl, fm, sgi, imgfile, al, cd, cl, sv, fl ---------------------------------------- SGI dependant. Actually if somebody ports OpenGL it'll be possible to adapt gl i think. ABOUT SHARED LIBS : The monolythic binary is 330 kB with the modules i included. It's quite big especially if you want to run several of them, as the interpreter process can't handle several scripts at the same time. I've found out how worked shared libs on the BeOS. It appears you can't have 2 libraries that reference each other. Though that's what the four python libraries do ! (Actually Jon tells me you have to make "stubs" versions (w/ empty declarations) of the libs, but my tests under dr6 showed there was a bug in the relocation process. I'll have to try again with dr7, stay tuned :-) So I've built ONE shared library which embeds the 4 libraries, getopt.o and config.o. It is called, is currently 325 kB and will be installed in your python/ dir Then the python process is main.o only and is 4 kB. It is built under the name python in your python/ dir. I still build the statically linked version, pythonstatic (330 kB). REBUILDING PYTHON First if you want to change things in config.h you should rebuild ALL the object files. Then the building order is : - Objects/ - Parser/ - Python/ - Modules/ Ie you go and type make in each of these dirs, in the given order. If you rebuild the libObjects.a, libParser.a or libPython.a be sure to run make from Modules/ aswell, because this is where the python executable is built. Any warning is suspect ! Find what's wrong or tell me. TESTING YOUR BRAND NEW VERSION If you rebuild please do the testall test according to README. You can also run pystone the dhrystone-like benchmark (type python Tools/scripts/, and should get something like 115 pystones/sec. Guido's 040 33 MHz Macintosh achieve 55 pystones/s :-) testall SHOULD report an error with the float data type. Actually you can check with a little c program that 36.0!=12.0+24.0 and -36.!=-12.0+(-24.0) :-) To do the remaining tests, comment the lines that test the floating point number in Lib/test/ (lines 82 and 85) and rerun the test, it shouldn't report other errors. YOUR SCRIPTS Putting #!/boot/mypythondir/python on the first line will enable you launching them from the shell without further care. KNOWN BUGS There is still the float oddity, but it's the only bug i found in the interpreter itself. All other bugs should be up to the modules (who said the posix module ?). Note that the following (posixy) problems are solved : isatty, popen, execv, fdopen, strdup, fileno. Thanks Be ! TO COME - Modules to access the Be API from python. - From the kernel kit all that could be useful is a dynamic loading module built on top of the images. - But first I think I'll do the App kit, a part of the Storage kit (what's needed to deal with files, probably the database related classes will be for later), and the Interface kit, because I'd like to use it to write interfaces. Yep, I know this part is the same than in february (so long ago !) but unfortunately my days don't have 50-60 hours :-) Once again if somebody is willing to write something, tell it, so we don't do the same things at the same time. THE GREETINGS :-) For the dr6 version, to 5bats who finally found out how to assemble the code for __ptr_glue to something I could use on the bebox (this was an oddity that probably could have been solved otherwise, but at that time we were missing some clues about libdll.a and some CW operations). For this release, to Chris Herborth, in advance of the modules he will certainly add very soon ;-) AND NOW ? Go and read the docs, and have fun ! Benoit Triquet