ILView: Image Loader module View program.
Modules: JPG, GIF, PNG, PNM

This is the latest and greatest version of my ilview program.  Its
compiled for DR8, and is much more stable then previous versions.
With this version, you can specify multiple files, you get a file
list which you can add to by dragging file icons on it, and you
can scroll a large picture in a smaller window without having to
find the scrollbars or arrow keys. (Just right click in the
picture, and move the mouse.)

It uses StarCode software's package builder.  I'm assuming this is
OK to use, but if someone *knows* that its not, let me know and I'll
upload a new version using tar and gzip.  Oh.. Package Builder
doesn't seem to make directorys properly. You'll have to
'mkdir /boot/system/add-ons/ImageLoader' before installing.

Please send any bugs or feature requests (be sure to indicate
_correctly_ which it is) to
