File: wator_0.3.0_dr8.2.tar.gz
Author: Peter Mogensen <>
Release: 0.3.0 (Jan. 31th, 1997)
Compatibility: DR8
Location: contrib/gfx/demos

   This is a small program I did to get familiar with BeOS. 

   It simulates the cruel life in a small ocean. Actual the ocean is
   cyclic (a Water Torus) which has given name to this classic problem.
   The ocean is populated by fish(blue) and sharks(red). Sharks prey on
   fish and fish just live. Both fish and sharks breed at regular
   intervals, but sharks die if they can't find food (fish).
   That's the name of the game ...enjoy.

   Known Bugs:

          The new memory allocation assumes that there will newer be
          more fish/sharks than the size of the ocean. This is
          unfortunately not true. The correct number is:
          living fish + living sharks + fish eaten this iteration
          This can theoretically result in an access fault. It has only
          been seen with simulations less than 30x30 (which are
          impossible now) and I've introduced a small buffer.
          I know it's a bad solution......

   Version history:

   0.3.0: Nicer Options, added color-controls.
          Prevented the user from trashing the system with too large sims.
          Took over memory allocation from the system -- gained a lot of

   0.2.2: Got rid of all know bugs.
          Now really exits nicely.
   0.2.1: Internal release, a little faster.

   0.2.0: Now exits nicely.
          The simulation uses less memory and is faster.
          Added size and restart options.
          Added aboutbox.

   0.1.0: First version to show the simulation without crashing the

   The future:

   o   It's completely useless unless I make it a screen-saver module.
       First I have to find a solution to the get the same effect
       without using 10Mb of memory. I don't like the Linux version.
       50x40 is dull.
   o   Source code will be available. Right now it is well,.. not very
       pretty. (Next release)
   o   The simulation is single-threaded. This will change.
   o   More user configuration will be in the screensaver.

