BINARY INSTALLATION (RECOMMENDED) --------------------------------- The simplest way of installing OO2C is to get the binary distributation called oo2c_32-1.1.0b.tar.gz and unpack/untar this file in the /boot or root directory. The OO2C library source/object files will be placed in the /boot/lib/oo2c directory and the executables will be placed in /boot/bin. These files MUST be placed in these directories if you are installing the precompiled binaries. If you are daring then get the official source distribution of OO2C from oo2c_32-1.1.0.tar.gz and follow the instructions below for a customized installation. SOURCE INSTALLATION ------------------- To build this released version of the Optimizing Oberon-2 Compiler (OOC) for the BeBox, you'll need to have the unlimited Metrowerks linker. The current compiler produces ANSI-C code which the Metrowerks compiler can compile. Oberon-2 code is translated to C-source code which is then compiled and linked by the Metrowerks compiler/linker. Future versions of this compiler will have native code generators which produce PPC object code which will be linkable with Metrowerks linker. At the moment, there are no bindings to the BeBox windowing system since these libraries are all in C++ and the current compiler can only interface to C source files. If anyone has any time to help with an interface to the BeBox API, please contact me at the email address below. As well, the Bebox version of this compiler does not have any garbage collection. Boehm's garbage collector source code is included with this distribution though. If anyone would like to get this garbage collector working I would greatly appreciate hearing from you as well. Since there is no garbage collector, long compiles will start to eat up memory and eventually the BeBox may start thrashing in virtual memory. Follow these steps to build the BeBox executables and install them: 1) Extract the compiler source from the source archive and apply the patch included with the binary archive by CDing to the source directory and typing: gzip -dc <patch-loc>/oo2c_32-1.1.0-bebox.diff.gz | patch -p1 1) In the oo2c_32-1.1.0 directory type the following to create a customized make file (NOTE: change the "--prefix=/boot" to wherever you would like the final lib and bin directories to reside): CC=mwcc CFLAGS="-opt all" ./configure --without-m --without-x --disable-gc --prefix=/boot 2) Make the compiler with: make all 3) Install the compiler with make install 4) Clean up after the install with: make clean or for a completely clean directory for redistribution: make distclean That's it. If you have any problems send me some email to: