       Author: ETH Zurich
      Release: 1.0 (3 August 1998)
Compatibility: R3
     Location: contrib/lang
  Description: Oberon-2 compiler for PowerPC

This is a simple one-pass ETH compiler based on the original OOP compiler
by Regis Crelier and modified to produce PPC code by Markus A. Hof.
The original compiler runs on Oberon System 4 on a Power Mac.  This
version runs from the command line and will produce PPC ETH object 
and symbol files on any platform which has support for oo2c.

Invocation syntax is: Compiler [options] <oberon module> {[oberon module]}.

The following command line options are supported:

    -h         Print this text
    -d         Show intermediate syntax tree
    -x         Index check on
    -v         Overflow check on
    -r         Range check on
    -t         Type check on
    -s         Generation of new symbol file allowed
    -p         Pointer initialization
    -n         NIL pointer checks on read accesses
    -a         Assert evaluation
    -f         Find text position of breakpc
    -c         Use PowerPC instruction set
    -w         Suppress warning 301

The default options are -x -t -n -p -a -c.  Adding these options to the 
command line will toggle the appropriate flags.

Sorry, a "Make" facility isn't currently available.  It may be possible to 
port the Oberon system Make to work from a command line, but I haven't 
investigated this possibility yet.

NOTE: I haven't tested this compiler very much and don't plan to do so for
this version.  I will be producing another version which has a code generator
for the PIC series of microcontrollers.

This compiler may be useful to anyone porting the Oberon system to another PPC
platform which doesn't currently have an Oberon System available.  If this is 
the case, I have the full Oberon System source code, including the loader, so 
contact me at the email address below.

This version of the source has been modified to work with the current set of
OOC library modules.


This utility is part of the Oberon System.  It basically decodes the Obj 
output from the compiler to give a disassembled version of the object code and
some additional information about symbolic references, pointers, etc.

Invocation:  Decode <oberon object>


This compiler IS NOT supported in any way so if you can use it, great but I 
can't promise to fix any problems you may encounter.  I am interested in 
hearing about bugs though, so please send me email. 


Michael Griebling      email: