                             File:  be-x11r63.tar.gz
                           Author:  Dave Mills
                          Release:  08/24/87
                    Compatibility:  PR
                         Location:  ftp.be.com
                      Description:  X11R6.3 clients and libraries for BeOS PR
                            Notes:  Only useful if you have another X-windows system

X11 contrib for BeOS & X11 (PR)

This (huge) archive contains the X-windows libraries and most clients
built for the BeOS PR release. IT DOES NOT INCLUDE AN X SERVER - sorry. 
I tried to integrate the X-server patches now available in beta at
ftp.ninemoons.com) but had compile-time problems, maybe you will have
more luck).

The X-windows sources may be obtained from ftp.x.org, I used X11R6.3 and
applied fix-01 and fix-02 patches, plus the patches from ftp.ninemoons.com
(courtesy of Achim Blumensath - blume@corona.oche.de).

I am making this release now to generate momentum. Using these libraries
it should be possible to build a large fraction of X windows applications and
test them using other X systems for the display. Once BeX arrives (or the
free XFree86 server port - whichever is sooner), BeOS will suddenly gain access
huge set of apps of all types.

This release is intended for developers who wish to try and build their favorite
X application on BeOS - it is not ready for casual use.

Until BeX arrives you will need to set your DISPLAY variable to point to 
another X-windows screen (ie export DISPLAY myunixbox:0).

	Dave Mills   (rfactory@earthlink.net)