BeOS 5 update 1
Release Notes

New Drivers:
gfx --
2d only Voodoo 4 and 5 driver

network drivers graduated from experimental --
tcm509 (3-com)
tcm589 (3-com)
rtl8139 (realtek)

pcmcia.default config file updated to support more PC Card network cards.


GNU-safe libroot.so
SiS bugfix for SetCursor : address bit was not reset to 0

The Keymap preference app now shows a visual indication
that unmapped keys are being depressed.

(not currently in this update)
Debugging calls removed from several drivers, which should eliminate
some of the 'kernel debugger crash on reboot' problems people have been

Printing bugfixes:
The print_server is now smart and doesn't try to reprint failed  
jobs, which often leads to an infinite loop (boot, reprint, crash, boot,  
reprint, crash...). It's now possible to *manually* retry a failed job. 
Another important thing is that the Canon drivers should work perfectly well  
now (the print_server used to never see that a printjob was Completed).
General memory leaks and the like patched. 
Improved Epson support.  Added support for Stylus 900. 

Interface Kit:

Fix BSlider::Position() to be correct when MinValue() < 0. 
Fix BListView's "stuck mouse down" problem. 

IMA fixes.
BDataIO stuff for writers.  Now we can write to a buffer instead of just a file.

1) WAV writer would needlessly generate modern-format WAV files  
   that don't work on W98SE or previous versions of Windows. 
2) WAV writer would screw up if you left byte_order as wildcard. 
3) AIFF writer would screw up if you left byte_order as wildcard.

4) YUV decoder: Make sure you can get YCbCr data out from an AVI even if  
you don't specify a row_bytes.	

SSL License has expired; SSL code removed in Personal Edition, but new 128 bit e
ncryption added to Pro Edition.
<6/14/00: Affects new binaries only; this patch does change SSL>

Tracker & Deskbar:
Bug fixes and new features from OpenTracker