Files: myBrowser0.9.4.large.tgz, myBrowser0.9.4.small.tgz
Author: Thorsten Seitz (
Release: 0.9.4 (2/11/97)
Compatibility: DR8
Location: contrib/util
Description: This is a hierarchical browser for folders and queries.
Notes: 	the previous versions may be removed
	myBrowser0.9.4.large.tgz contains complete html documentation,
	myBrowser0.9.4.small.tgz doesn't (just the ReadMe)

the ReadMe follows:-----------------------------------------------------


This is a hierarchical list view as an alternative to Be's Browser views.
It is intended to coexist with Be's Browser, not to replace it.

¥ Can be used to browse queries and folders. 
¥ Support for grouping database items in "virtual folders" (groups). 
¥ Shrinkable shelf displays the current group and an area to temporarily
	put items
¥ History list. 
¥ Full html documentation (also available on my web site (see below)).
¥ Extensive use of drag and drop.

Change log

¥¥¥ Version 0.9.4 ¥¥¥

¥ bug fix: 2/8/97
	Quitting myBrowser 0.9.3 during the startup phase ended up in a debugger
	window because a setup thread was not cancelled. This is fixed now.
¥ bug fix: 2/8/97
	MyBrowser 0.9.3 didn«t show the icons of icon records correctly, e.g.
	in the pop-up menu of the Group window. This is fixed now.
¥ feature: 2/8/97
	Moving/Copying can now be stopped. Quitting the application does not
	interfere with the move/copy in progress (all other windows are closed,
	though). The move/copy process has to finish or be explicitly stopped 
	to quit the app.

¥ feature: 2/8/97
	Add-ons do work now (currently with the same bug as Be«s Browser when
	loading the same add-on several times at once). Add-on shortcuts are
	currently not implemented, though.
¥ behaviour change: 2/8/97
	Selecting a file (as opposed to a folder/query) displays this file«s icon
	in the next list view only if this list view does exist already. 
	New list views will be created only to display folder/query contents.

¥ bug fix: 2/8/97
	Removing groups does work now without crashing.

¥ bug fix: 2/8/97
	Selecting and Deselecting "All Workspaces" hung myBrowser if the number
	of workspaces was not equal to 6. This bug is fixed now. Thanks to
	Peter Mogensen for his great help in tracking down this bug.
¥ bug fix: 1/30/97
	The close icon of mini windows should now be displayed correctly.
¥ bug fix: 1/30/97
	The MiniWindowDaemon now does quit as promised, when the last application
	using it is closed.
¥¥¥ Version 0.9.3 ¥¥¥

¥ feature: 1/26/97
	Moving/copying now is multithreaded. (This could be called a bug fix :-)
¥ feature: 1/26/97	
	New menu item "Save as Default" in the "Window" menu. Selecting this item
	saves the geometry (location, size, shelf yes/no, visible in all 
	workspaces yes/no) as the default settings for new windows (including the
	next launch). This information is saved in the extra field of a database 
	record conforming to the "Preference" table.
¥ feature: 1/25/97	
	New menu item "All Workspaces" in the "Window" menu. When this item is
	marked, the window appears in all workspaces. (The Workspaces application
	doesn't correctly update its view, though).
¥ GUI change: 1/24/97	
	The menu items "New Window" and "Create/Edit Group" have been moved into
	the main menu, where they belong.
¥ limitation fix: 1/24/97
	Launch time has been improved, though using myBrowser is slow while the
	database is queried in the background at the beginning.
¥ bug fix: 1/22/97
	Sometimes myBrowser would deadlock after launch or after unminimizing.
	This should be fixed now.
¥ bug fix: 1/22/97
	The behaviour conerning workspaces is now as good as it can
	currently be (hopefully Be fixes the working of the various
	app activation functions for DR9).

¥ bug fix: 1/22/97
	The flashing which occured upon opening/closing of normal folder windows
	has been substantially reduced.
¥ feature: 1/22/97
	Holding down the Control key while double-clicking an item suppresses
	selection of this item (it is just launched).

¥¥¥ myBrowser 0.9.2 ¥¥¥

¥ feature: 12/19/96
	In cascading ref menus of context menus not only the content of a folder
	or query is shown but the parent as well (for all records, not only
	folders or queries) if applicable.
¥ bug fix: 12/19/96
	Items which are moved to the trash are renamed correctly if another item
	with the same name already exists in the trash.
¥ feature: 12/19/96
	"Duplicate" menu item of "Record" menu and context menu now is functional.

¥ bug fix: 12/16/96
	myBrowser now displays the correct Trash icon (full/empty), though the
	B_RECORD_MODIFIED message seems to be missing.
¥ bug fix: 12/16/96
	RefList now uses get_name_for_ref() in GreaterOrEqual
	=> sort by name is now correct.
¥ bug fix: 12/16/96
	E-Mail items are displayed with the correct icon
	as well as CD-ROMs and floppies.
¥ bug fix: 12/14/96
	Adding items to newly created groups doesn«t create double menu items any more.

¥ design change: 12/14/96
	DFRefMenuItem::Make doesn«t spawn a new thread to create a submenu anymore
	(there was no discernable advantage of this (zoo keeper is single threaded!?)
	and it led to race conditions).
¥ bug fix: 12/14/96
	"Empty" item is restored when the last menu item of a DFRefMenu is removed.


a) if you want the documentation (no changes since 0.9.3)

Get the file 'myBrowser0.9.4.large.tgz'. *

>gunzip 'myBrowser0.9.4.large.tgz'

>tar xvf 'myBrowser0.9.4.large.tar'

This creates a folder named 'myBrowser 0.9.4' in your work directory.
It contains

¥ this 'ReadMe' file
¥ the 'myBrowser' application (version 0.9.4)
¥ the 'MiniWindowDaemon' application **
¥ the 'Documentation' folder, which contains the full html documentation.

>setfile myBrowser

>setfile MiniWindowDaemon

(or double-click the application icon or drop anything on it)

b) you don't want the documentation
Get the file 'myBrowser0.9.4.small.tgz'.

>gunzip 'myBrowser0.9.4.small.tgz'

>tar xvf 'myBrowser0.9.4.small.tar'

This creates a folder named 'myBrowser small 0.9.4' in your work directory.
It contains

¥ this 'ReadMe' file
¥ the 'myBrowser' application (version 0.9.4)
¥ the 'MiniWindowDaemon' application**

>setfile myBrowser

>setfile MiniWindowDaemon

(or double-click the application icon or drop anything on it)

*	From or my web page (see below)

**	The MiniWindowDaemon is not necessary to use myBrowser.
	MyBrowser windows are minimized into icons ("mini windows")
	instead of blue title bars. Without MiniWindowDaemon a
	mini window gets placed at the top left of the screen just to
	the right of the Dock the first time the window is minimized,
	regardless of other mini windows which might be located there.
	The MiniWindowDaemon would place it beside other mini windows.
	The MiniWindowDaemon is started automatically by myBrowser and
	is quitted automatically, too, if myBrowser quits normally.
Copyright © 1996, 1997 Thorsten Seitz. All rights reserved.

Send me feedback, comments, bug reports, feature requests, etc!