X-Files 2.1
©1996 by Marc Lebas

X-Files is a free utility program for the BeBox (BeOS DR8).

It allows to exchange files or directories between
Macintosh or DOS media and the BeBox.

This version was validated with:
 - Macintosh floppy, Syquest, Zip, CD-ROM
 - DOS floppy

Thanks for your feedback; i really will appreciate it.


Exchanges with an external medium are achieved:
  - by Drag & drop when writing on,
  - by select + menu when reading.

Macintosh partition are automatically opened at mount time

Bugs & limitations:

- only floppy media is currently tested for DOS

- exchange with Macintosh media is slow

- When copying files to/from BeOS, the already existing files
are overwritten.

- Only Mac Data fork is handled.

- There is currently no way to stop safely a copy of a folder
which contains lots of files or subfolders

- Tool don't handle more than 25 levels of subdirectories;
each directory is limited to 500 files.

-i didn't test what happen when writing onto a full media.

- X-Files GUI is poor.

- Format is restricted to already formatted device

Included Files:

Read Me	: This file
X-Files	: DR8 executable
hfs_lib	: adaptation of hfsutilities-1.17b library
	      (originator: Robert Leslie <rob@mars.org>)
mtools:	  adaptation of mtools 2.0.7
          (originator: Emmet P. Gray <fthood!egray@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu>)

Revision history
V2.1 (Nov 14, 1996) M.Lebas
	- Delete DOS + HFS
	- Format DOS + HFS
	- fixed bug
V2.0 (Nov 3, 1996) M.Lebas
	- DOS exchange (Floppy only)
	- HFS partition
	- HFS exchange for CD-ROM
	- fixed minor bug (refresh..)

V1.1b (Oct, 1996) M.Lebas - First release
	- HFS exchange (Floppy, Syquest)