File: Author: Dianne Hackborn Release: 970816 (Aug. 16, 1997) Compatibility: PR Location: contrib/libraries Description: Terminal class library Notes: This is my library of classes that I find generally useful for doing BeOS development. I am making it publically available primarily for the terminal classes it contains, which provide a fairly complete set of classes for programs which need such a thing. Their major features are individual character style and color, screen history, add-on emulators, and an optional high-level BMessage-based protocol for communicating with remote devices. If you are interested in this, you should also get the ArpTelnet demo application -- available at contrib/network/ Enhancements from the July 26, 1997 version: - Many small fixes to terminal and VT200 emulation. - Somewhat more robust TELNET client. - Automatic scrolling on terminal input and/or output. - Adds style information to text copied from terminal. For more information, see . *** Please remove the old file, Thanks!