File: Author: Angry Red Planet Release: 19981208 (Dec. 8, 1998) Compatibility: R4 Location: contrib/libraries Description: Angry Red Planet Common Libraries Notes: This is a set of class libraries that we have created in the course of developing BeOS applications. We find them fairly useful, and are releasing them as open source in the hope that others will as well. NOTE: This package only compiles under R4; don't try to use it with R3 or earlier! The main purpose of this release is to make available the ArpLayout library -- yes, Yet Another Layout Library. In addition, the distribution includes other useful classes for collections, implementing and using "configuration interfaces" in objects, working with multiple directories and plug-ins, and of course the obligatory string class. The less patient among us may also want to get the associated ArpCommon binary archive for the platform, which contains a pre-compiled version of the ArpLayout example program. For more information, see . *** Please remove the old file, Also, this is distributed in three separate zip files: is the source code; are PPC binaries; and are Intel binaries. Thanks!