===================== File: SmartCopy1.0.1.pkg Author: Georges-Edouard Berenger (berenger@francenet.fr) Release: 1.0.1 (July 1st, 1998) Compatibility: R3 PPC & x86 Location: contrib/util Description: Utility to synchronize folders, with many options. Notes: SmartCopy is a freeware that allows copy files/folders between two folders, with a few nice options including: -if an up to date copy of a file exists in the target folder, then don't copy the file... -additive copy: files already in the target folder can be left untouched (option), -various options for links (see documentation), -only files & folders that have been filtered depending on their name, their type attribute, their creation or modification dates. -added CleanMirror to help doing ftp mirrors and mirrors or these mirrors... This program is at the very same time a command line and a GUI program. Just use it the way you want! =====================