         File: nerdkill_1.0.1_R4.zip
       Author: Raphael MOLL (raphael.moll@capway.com)
      Release: 1.0.1 (final, x86, 06 January 1999)
Compatibility: R4 Intel and R3/R4 PPC
     Location: contrib/games
  Description: A blast-all-these-nerds game
        Notes: Get rid of these annoying nerds. Shoot them, gun them,
               electrize them, explode them ! No one must escape !
               First presented at Paris' Be GeekFest, Feb'97.
               Presented at BeDC Master Awards, May 1997.
               Last bugs corrected.

Have a nice nerdkilling and stay tuned for the incoming Nerdkil 3d release :-)