README: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read the whole readme CAREFULLY! Else you can render your Be System unusable!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For whom is it? ----------------------- This replacements are for those people, for which the keyboard and / or mouse do not work. This replacement is intended for PS/2 attached devices only. (Probably your touchpad & keyboard in your notebook are attached internally via PS/2, they probably are PS/2 compatible.) Most probably people with Laptops. It works for my Gericom X5 which has a Synaptics touchpad device and a standard 101/102 key keyboard (with Windows keys). I'll include a list of other working configurations as soon as I get any feedback. I use it (and tested it only) with BeOS 5.0.3 (Be Developer Edition 1.1). !!!!!!!!NEVER TOUCH A WORKING SYSTEM!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ #This is HIGHLY experimental! If your touchpad & keyboard work for you, this driver **won't** improve anything. It possibly will even break your Input! SO TRY THIS DRIVER ONLY IF YOU NEED TO. I make no guarantees for this code, I take NO responsibility for broken Be Systems. THIS COULD SAVE YOUR SYSTEM: ------------------------------------------------------ Beforehand: USB mouse / keyboard support (at least the one provided with the Be DeveloperEdition 1.1) is NOT broken with any of these files. A good idea before trying the files probably is to attach an USB keyboard / mouse to your computer. (Logitech Cordless Optical combi worked for me) A BAD idea is to use your external PS/2 port to attach any devices while changing the drivers. The replacements were written with only one keyboard and mouse attached to the PS/2 ports. And, the touchpad and your keyboard in your Laptop ARE attached to a PS/2 port internally. CONTENTS: ------------------ - There are 4 files in this distribution: - kb_mouse-kam (all mice, PS/2 keyboard) ------------------------- This is essentially kb_mouse-mouse with code modifications by me (Destiny). My built-in keyboard still wouldn't work with it, although Windows supported it (the usual story). I modified the kb_mouse-mouse code in a quick and dirty fashion. (Source code should be available from my homepage in the BeOS section: The instructions / information for this was taken mostly from the excellently documented Linux drivers (see acknowledgements). Try kb_mouse-kam if your PS/2 mouse does not work with the original Be file (kb_mouse). PS/2 keyboards should work. FOR OTHER KEYBOARDS I DISCOURAGE THE USE OF THIS! The driver assumes that a PS/2 KB. is present. Otherwise it could crash the system. It could break some advanced mouse driver features, I don't know. (driver has only been tested on my system so far, I would greatly appreciate your feedback). USB devices work. - kb_mouse-mouse (all mice, all keyboards) ----------------------------- This drop-in replacement was written by Dave Norman. I compiled it and only changed the target output name to kb_mouse. I have no idea whether it is complete, all I can say that it works fine for me. kb_mouse enables my Synaptics device, but it does not enable my keyboard. USB devices work. You can try it if kb-mouse-kam breaks support for your keyboard (which I think is unlikely.) which worked before. (Or if your keyboard is not attached via PS/2). - kb_mouse-original (all mice, all keyboards) ----------------------------- The original kb_mouse as provided by Be in its PE 5. Thought as a backup if you accidentally delete your original kb_mouse. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ----------------------------------------------- For Be PE 5. Modify accordingly ... 1. Open /boot/beos/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/bin 2. Rename the kb_mouse file you find inside to kb_mouse_old or something. (Be complains, "Do it" anyway). 3. Copy kb_mouse-kam or kb_mouse-mouse to /boot/beos/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/bin (i.e. the folder above). 4. Rename the file you just copied to kb_mouse 5. Restart the input server by typing /system/servers/input_server -q at the command line. -> Now the keyboard and / or mouse you want to use should be enabled automagically. If both files (mouse and kam) do not work for you, I'd like to hear from you. It would be best to restore the original file again. To restore the original file again remove the new kb_mouse and re-rename your old kb_mouse which you backed up in step 2. to kb_mouse again. CONTACT ---------------- I can be reached at My homepage is I'd like to hear from you :-) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ------------------------------------- I greatly acknowledge the work Dave Norman has put into writing a kb_mouse replacement. Dave can be reached at I acknowledge the work the Linux developers have put into a well-documented code. I used the command definitions from a Linux-Kernel-Archive page, a posting by James Simmons (, which I found doing a Google search. I acknowledge the PIC question answer by Ollie Lho ( about the implementation in the internal version of etherboot. The altered code of me follows this implementation very closely.