Jeepers Elvis! v0.2 John Wiggins : 2002 Background : Jeepers Elvis! (JE!) is a super-duper video mixing architechture. By itself, it is useless. Add plugins, and things begin to get interesting. Included with the base release are a few plugins to give you a feel for what is possible with JE! Please, please, PLEASE send feedback. I can make JE! a whole lot better if people would send feedback. Think of it as payment for all the hardwork I've put into the code. (ok, that's enough of that) There is a convenient email button in the about box that will put you in touch with me. Getting Started : First things first, double click on the Jeepers Elvis! icon. Once presented with the interface, you can click and drag plugins from the Plugins window to the large central window. Once a plugin is loaded, its icon will become unshaded. Click on the UI button next to the plugin's icon for the user interface of the plugin. To unload a plugin, simply click on it's icon and drag away. The icon will dim when the plugin has been unloaded. Currently, a plugin must be removed before another plugin can be put in its place. (accept for filters) In order for output to appear on the large output window, there must be a mixer present and at least one source running. The order of filters in the filter list determines the order they are called in. An output plugin is not necessary for output, although an output plugin is guaranteed to be in sync with the rest of the "graphics pipeline" unlike the default output window. Included Plugins: Movie Looper : A source plugin that loops through movie files. Handles any video format supported by the media kit. Forward, backward, and "back and forth" play directions are supported. (backward play quality varys depending on compression) Beginning and end points can be set for individual video clips. Drag video files into the scrollview on the left. Click on the name of a clip to start it. Alpha Mixer : A mixer plugin that does simple alpha compositing of incoming video frames. The background frame can be set to either the first or second source. Play around with the slider, it should be obvious. (assuming you have two running sources) Experimental Mixer: I got tired of only having one working mixer, so I wrote another. :) This mixer combines the two sources with one of four ops. (add/subtract/max/min) Channel Whacker Filter : Reworked in version 0.2. This filter lets you adjust the amount of red, green, and blue in the output image. Invert Filter : Super simplistic filter. Inverts the colors of the video frame. Nice effect. No significant UI. FullScreen Output : Fullscreen output. It works much better than it did in the last release, at least on my machine. (famous last words, I know) The scaling algorithm is still sub-optimal. But! You now have the option of using your video card's overlay if the driver supports it. Currently B_RGB32 and B_RGB16 are the only supported colorspaces. (B_RGB32 is untested) Hit the escape key to regain control of the screen. Changes in 0.2: - Fullscreen output works now. Overlay is supported on some video cards. - Fixed the race condition that caused crashes when plugins were unloaded. (I'm pretty sure) - Added the experimental mixer. It's fun. Play with it. - Updated the Channel Whacker Filter so that you can adjust amounts of RGB instead of just turning them on or off. Known Bugs: Ooh boy. Please do not email me about these. I know about them. They happen infrequently on my computer, but might be more frequent on yours. Because of this odd frequency of occurence, I can't fix them as easily. - The Movie Looper plugin will sometimes crash when switching video clips. This is due to a race condition that I know about. (it's not an easy fix) If you really want to, tell me the speed and number of cpus in your machine and whether or not this happens on your machine.