To run the demo, go to a terminal window, and change directory to the game area eg. if you put the files in /boot/home/Desktop/jpe, then type: cd /boot/home/Desktop/jpe ./jpe The keys are: Up arrow - accelerate Down arrow - brake Left arrow - left (hmmm) Right arrow - yep, right Page up - look up Page down - look down Mouse (hold left button for look around) 1 to 4 - Best to worst quality 5 to 8 - furthest to closest clipping i - interlace mode (the last action if the game is too slow) l - turn on/off bi-linear filtering r - print the frame rate to the terminal b - turn on/off the bitmap e - turn on/off sound effects m - turn on/off music (copy any music file to 'music' in the game directory) s - turn on/off the bitmap sky F - toggle full screen mode I took out the picture of the kart at the front, because I thought it looked better without it...... The physics is still a bit twitchy - it is really easy to slide the back by turning into a corner, then braking. I haven't yet compressed the maps, so it can take a little while to load them - about 10 seconds on a slow machine. There is a primitive speedometer in the bottom left (which can be turned on/off with the 'b' key). If it goes red, then you are sliding (as I haven't got good sounds yet :) ) Have fun, Jeff PS. This is *very* beta, so use it at your own risk......