ImageShow2.x by YNOP Ok Here we go, Beta5.x. Most everything I originaly wanted if now finished. It's a verry useable image view now. It can save all Translator types, Set the current Image as the Desktop Image(streched,centered,tilled). Display the image in a variaty of veiwing modes, it accepts refs from double clicking on a file and drag and drop along with accepting a image as a comand line perameter. It's even a little faster than other image views, And its verry stable. I am a poor student here Adopt-a-App, Nobody has been sending me money? Hmmm I am still open for any Ideas that you may have. The list below is the current idea bank. If you dont see it on there I ether dont know about it, or have totaly forgoten what you said. Sorry for my sort memory. All splash images were done by ynop useing ArtPaint - a wonderful BeOS art program. Try finding that hiden about box :) Querys: ImageShow now has a full querys support. Just go to the be Menu select Find. Select the volume or Volumes you want to search (note do not select All Volumes this does not work yet. If you want to search all volumes manualy select all the disks) Select from the senter pull down menu "by Formula" then in the edit box type a querys such as this one : ((name=="**")&&(BEOS:TYPE=="image/jpeg")) This will search your drive for all Jpeg files. The reason we also search name is because the type field is not a Indexed value. If you need more help on this drop me a line. Now save this query to a directry. Preferabley the ~/querys directry. Launch ImageShow and browser you way to the querys directory. Double click on a querys as if it were a drictory. It will load up all the files. You can browes normaly now. Thanks goes out to lots of people. But these people need a special thanks. Big thanks to Dragfly for fixing a big problem and another big thanks to G_McLeod for all his feedback and sugestions. Thanks to Chris Corona for the hundred emails he sent me with bugs and fixes and all kinds of good stuff. One goes out to a half awake BeTika for all ideas and cleanups she sent me. Up and coming Bugs - I mean Features: multiple images at once More stuff in get image info (hight width res size)// G_M When loading file from ref, jump to that item in list //G_M Font support? // Thanks G_McLeod for some Ideas TimeStamp - image loading time. Add Random to slidshow Dose anyone want Zoom? does anyone use it? Directroy history. Check if dir exist befor going to it. (I realy need to do this) TreeView Grab Screen Shot Image info and file info need to be differant Correct aspect of thumbnails // Chris Corona Better Multi-tasking, spend less time in locked state in FileList Sometimes keyboard input dies .. dont know why. (has somethig to do with fullscreen) Kill the Are you shure you want to delete dialog box for advanced users A FullFullScreen mode Image Fade in/out or Wipe in/out // Chris Corona Ability to change time out between slideshow change // Adam Chaput Multi directory slide show Fix toolbar bug when useing show from readytorun. (see ImageShow::ReadyToRun) Loop slide show Sort by (any image attribute) // jbq Restore old background // GR Anything YOU want here Things to come: A Display filter API. passin originalimage, framesize, drawmode. uses 2 Bitmaps (original and display) These should be quick and simple. All drawing modes could be moved over to this plugin set. Ver 2.2: Added support for printing Started work on changing the Filter system Started work on a new ListView with attribut support Ver 2.1: Added a simple little -list (-l) command line option for fun stuf ImageShow -l /boot/home/SampleMedia/*.jpg Ver 2.0 (1.0 Beta 6.0): Added a Move File to function that lets you quickly move files.. Shit-Down arrow moves to /tmp Added Swedish support thanks to Ronny Sedin Added Romanian thanks to Cypress Found big bug in the UNDO function. Was deleteing img befor we checked to see if was posible Found bug in New Aspect Ratio code where 1x1 images wound fail to draw Added UNDO to the right clcik menu on the view Fixed memory bug with MakeMenu Fixed bug with right click menu and undo not showing proper status Converted load image from old 4.5 PNG to new 5.0 PNG Added config to the slide Show. Can now set the speed for slide show Cant go to 0 speed for ShowSlide as it kills thing :P fastest is 2 sec Implimented Single level undo for filters Giulio Sartori added Italian lang file.. thanks man Added support for aBeSee bookmark files to our bookmark menu Added a options (no user config yet) to put the text at the bottom of the image (thumb mode) Got Protugues lang file from Bruno Albuquerq Now uses updated YLanguageClass for faster loadeing. Ver 1.0 Beta 5.9.5: Yes we are taking it slow going up to B6.0 ... hehe Added support for multi volumes querys However if the querys is a "All Volume" querys it will fail Fixed the All Volume problem - ugly code. but it worked It works if you manualy select each volume (thus the same effect as a all vol search) Also fixed up a few other ui_color we had missesed Fixed some bugs in the File List View. Added some support for droping a dir/file anywhere on the app. not just view panel Made most of the methods in FileListView private. More modular now We relly need to rewrite the basic app structure. Worked with querys more Took the ".." out of the rood dir .. Cant go up ot Nowhere .. hehe Put a lot more work into live querys. we may need a FileList rewrite for this though Added support for the new GuessMimeType in R5 (we are still 4.5 compatible ) Added a french file to the languages Added a Edit Query in right click menu (opens BeFind dialog) Fixed all kinds of bugs in the SetMimeType for 4.5 buile Made a 4.5 snap shot. Ver 1.0 Beta 5.9.4: Fixed a verry verry old bug that I had almost forgoten about. We now properly set the mime type of saved files (used to just make mime type "image/") Uses ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR) instead of 219,219,219 for defaul color Added in a WarningView for translator not found (whenever we cant trans a file) Warning shows up in bottom right for about 15sec and then goes away Ver 1.0 Beta 5.9.3: Space and Backspace now alsow work as Next/Pref file Ver 1.0 Beta 5.9.2: Smacked the ugly null path bug down. Caused by trying to append ".." to a query file name Added Lots of support for BugOut - now there is all kinds of Startup messages Fixed the Icon for ".." when you where inside of a query dir (was blank) Made ver for bot R4.5.2 and R5.0 (had to does some #define for Scroll Mouse support) Ver 1.0 Beta 5.9.1: Fixed bug but that locked the app on start up (no balert in concurent threads please) Fixed most of the bugs in query listing Querys are nolonger hardcoded Fixed it so now you double click on a query to open it. (just like a directroy) Found some bugs (and tryed to fix - will work on this more) Cleaned up some of the Query code. Querys are limited to boot device (FIX ME) Need to add Drag&Drop support for Query files Ver 1.0 Beta 5.9: Added basic query listing Can do live querys (Predicate for query is hardcoded - all image of type gif) Makeing Query files (type application/x-vnd.Be-query) directorys in list. Pulled out the add entry code and made a method out of it (added some needed path code) Found where we where calculating the path for each item and made it dynamic Added more path code, makeing list view more flexable Split out the thread runner for queryed items. (Should be merged back some time) Added support for Mouse Wheelly thingy Encounterd some bugs with (null) path. Started to try to cleen up the code some. Hopefully a smaller memory footprint ... this would be verry nice. At some point gona try some malloc debug 15 .. eek Found bug with small icon (size of 15 and should be 16) Ver 1.0 Beta 5.8: Started overhall of the List view .. for the 10th time Fixxed some small problems Mostly played around Ver 1.0 Beta 5.7.4: Made BugOut and changed over debuging to BugOut Finished off BugOut Support Added support for DebugConsole. Took out DebugConsole Support and started work on my own. (BugOut) Ver 1.0 Beta 5.7.3: Fixxed small but in LanguageClass. We were useing CharCount instead of Length Japanese should work now .. thanks to muramoto( Fixed Marking bug. we now mark items that are selected after lang switch. Like the mode menu Also added in the B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT symbol into the about box Started work on PPC ver. It comples/links but does not add recorces in (need some help) Ver 1.0 Beta 5.7.2: We now change languages live. No more restart. Wee this is fun Also as a side note. Talked with Naish (coolcat) about makeing a standerd LangClass (XML) Ver 1.0 Beta 5.7.1: Fixed little bug with the \t \n \\ charicters in our Language class. They were showing up as the 2 chars and not as a tab or return Ver 1.0 Beta 5.7: Added the ability to launch via command line with image as peramiter Major work has been done on the localization part. I have also fixed some other little things here and there Localization finished!! One think I would like to add it not havening to restart to have it take affect Thanks to Atomatrix and JayKey for German and Norwegian files. Thanks to me for the English file (and to atomatrix for correcting it) Also added PigLatin and l33t speek. Both generated from tool (kewl huh) Ver 1.0 Beta 5.6: Fixed loading toolbar if images did not exist. Should be more stable Started adding multi lang support Thanks to JayKey (John Grytten) I now have norwegian support, sorta Added lots more lang code. I am still not shur on the best way to do this Ver 1.0 Beta 5.5: Made Progress bar a little less Ugly. Got it back in a working state after lots of playing around Although is still wiggles .it wiggles less now when draging in actual size mode Fixed up Bookmarks some. If dir does not exit when you add it creates it. Added niffty Launch Tracker Option to the menus Ver 1.0 Beta 5.4: Fixed some bugs Added in the start of Cut/Copy/Past/Select All Big changes going on here Add Progress bar while loading File List Progress bar also works while tranlating a file (Not) Thanks to phuzzie on #bedev, he pointed out DTPicView and LibImageManip too me Was thinking about useing LibImageManip but dont want to have to use it . dynamic load Ver 1.0 Beta 5.3: Adding a bunch of stuff Started the begining of Bookmarks for fav directorys Big step here. Added in a Fully functional tool bar Added in Show/Hide Toolbar Removed all the title to the context menus Added color support for the toolbar. Not buttons though Fixed up some stuff Added all the toolbar icons to a Resource file for eay managment Bookmark menu now lists the corect files. Corrected problem with symlinks dirs not being put at top of file listing Finished of the Bookmark system Added Right click "add bookmark" Added Show Bookmarks like in Net+ Ver 1.0 Beta 5.2: Went through cleand up some ugly code Commented a bunch of stuff Added some nice formating and stuff to code Ver 1.0 Beta 5.1: Corrected small problem with drawing thumbnail 1 px too big Fixed bug with NULL image when you dont have proper resources or bad png tranlator Now draw "image is NULL" warning on screen instead of transparent with desktop .. Fixed Translator Config settings panel. Some configs tryed getViewColor on a BWindow. I added a BView so that worked. Mode now stays the same when going to full screen mode Fixed bug with keeping the right draw mode when quiting after fullscreen mode Implemented a Verry lame ShowSlide (slide show for some) Increased app launch time by putting FilterMenu builder in a Thread .. smart me Added another thread for the addon setup in the shower Put Wonderfull little check marks by the menu items - makes thinks realy nice looking PageUp/Down now jumps up and down pages. Home/End go to the begining of the list or the end of the list The "H" key now jumps to the home directory. Now you can drop directorys on it and it will list them (dorp files is been in there a while) Fixed the stupid link problem .. they point to the right place now. and have the right name. Fixed up the Icons for sym links. So all thoughs stupid problems should be gone now :) Added new splash screen Fixed up some of the Resources - split into two dir files and cleaned them up Changed the small Icon for ImageShow just a little - looks sharper now Now writes a GRAFX:Thumbnail Attributte - now viewing with thumbs one is real fast Thumbnails Attributes are acctually archived images and then flattend and writen as msg We now write Height/Width of image as GRAFX:Height/GRAFX:Widht int32 attributs Shit & "About ImageShow" bring back the original splash logo Added Variable Thumbnail Size. Its now up to you to figure it out :) Added Remove Attribute to Right click menu. If its a dir it will remove for all files Added Remove to file menu too. If its a file it will just remove thumb for that image Ver 1.0 Beta 5.0: Big 5.0 Fixed big big stuff in the ListItems. Thumbs work Much better now. Does not eat memory on thumbs now :) Ok we added new filters. We have a mask filter, the basics .. should be finished soon Fixed Brighten up pritty good. Small bug still though Now we read the "Standard" Thumbnails from file attributs (GRAFX:Thumbnail) Did major work on the filter stuff. Redid some of the arch stuff too Made up a spiffy MyFilter example for users to play with. Also added some source code in there that does some nice stuff Worked on a StatusBar for filters but not finished yet. Fixed bug in Mask filter that was cuting it off half way on some images Added Half/Double Image Size filter. Works pritty good The Icons are now the "real" icons that the system uses - instead of genaric. Also SplitPane got lots or work done on it. its realy nice now. Look for it on BeBits too Ver 1.0 Beta 4.9: Started Big work on a Tree view of the file list (not finished any time soon) Fixed spaceding bug when DirFileitem was added to a OutlineLise. After big mess we fixed up some stuff. We now save all the color settings and all kinds of stuff. It is not the cleanest implimentstion but it does work. Went though and trimed down some extra code Also fixed a bug with only saveing color if changed. Ver 1.0 Beta 4.8: Finised app coloring .We now can accept color anywhere. Although the color is not saved yet it is just put onto the views That was a lot of work .. I am gona take a nap now. Ver 1.0 Beta 4.7: Did a lot of work on addon (mostly brighten) Added bug fixes Started work on Color awarness. Gotten lots of user input. Looks good Need to work on tumbnails and slideshow Ver 1.0 Beta 4.6: Moved FlipH/V and Rotate CW/CCW to Filter. Spiffed up the addon arch. Need to redo addons so that we can pass Mouse events Fixed those little corners of scroll boxes .. pritty now Ver 1.0 Beta 4.5.1: Malloc_debug = true is your friend (use it) I fixed up lots of little bugs that were in the code. A few people had problems with the app. This should fix it. Also cleaned up a lot of extra code and old coments. Ver 1.0 Beta 4.5: We now catch Add/Remove/Delet/Rename/Move entry in directorys we list This is a verry Beta part of the app. It mostly works. Not always - I need to put in lots more error checking Most people woun't even notice its in there. So thats kewl (little things count) Ver 1.0 Beta 4.4: Added in code for entry changed on disk. If a file or dir is added to the directory we are in We auto update the dir We DO NOT reload the whole directroy. We just add in the new entry. This is done with our watch_directroy code. Ver 1.0 Beta 4.3: Added Filter to menu. Added filter methods in ImageShower. Filter API folows the example of TranslatorPanel We use the 3 addons that come with TranslatorPanel Ver 1.0 Beta 4.2: Fixed big problem with crash. If still loading dir and you quit. Addid in Watch_Directory code. We now follow the directory which we are in . .so we watch current dir We do not yet act upon the directy watch info. We will in the futrure act upon add/del/move info messages. Ver 1.0 Beta 4.1: Thanks to G_McLoeds testing .. we have added Threads to the selection list The thread does not speed up the actuall listing but should free up to do other stuff Ver 1.0 Beta 4.0: We are going to use the Idea in TPreferences. We are going to extend a BMessage and use that as our settings file. This will cause older versions of the ImageShow settings file not to work. Should we auto check and convert settings file? (we dont now) We got the SplitPane Setings saved. lots of code change. Added lots of code to implement Rename. Tracker style. More Rename stuff (crashes some times, so I took that out) Delete now works. (it deletes though) Delete Moves the file/dir to the trash now :) If you are in the Trash folder and do a delete, it removes itself from the list, thats all. If you delete it now removes itself from the list view .. I like that .. Cleaned up the code. Should be a litte nicer now. Fixed some stuff. Lots more to go. Lots more stuff to add but none of that was stable enough for this ver. Only two prjects left to do. Cut/Copy/Past and Order/Arange the list. Ver 1.0 Beta 3.9: Added SplitPane view. Now you can slid the bar back and forth Did major work on this SplitPane. Will release code for it soon. Fixed some little buggs in view that messed with splitpane Currently splitpane does not have a user customize area. (double click on it) It also does not save setting of itself (will make a niffty BMessage of that) Also it flickers just a little bit. Added spacebar for a smart Next Image (not too smart right now) Got the BigBeDir and BigBeFile icon stuffed into the Resource (I used Resourcer) Ver 1.0 Beta 3.8: Fixed the Rotate code so that it works now. Both CW and CCW rotate work now. Got Filp Horizontal and Flip Vertical working. Cleaned up the Ugly folder icon when it was big. Added in a BlankIcon for things that are not images when in thumb mode Made Seclected items look better (little highlight problem) We now List the items faster (One loop instead of two - Dir/File) Ver 1.0 Beta 3.7: Lots of little bugs around but we are feature lock ... From here we will only do bug fixes and then we will add more latter. This is because I want to fix all the current things in my prog :) Added large images to selection panel. Added little toggle menu item. Gota love that. Last thing we might add is a progress bar while loading dir list and images Ver 1.0 Beta 3.6: Adding in code to only show Images and Dirs in list. Fixed small problem with mime types that were "image" and not "image/type" Enabled menu Item to show only Image files. (need to add check mark) Added little check mark to the MenuItem for OnlyShowImages :) Started big project to make a new Selection panel with Thumbnail view Added losts of stuff to the selection panel right click menu. Added Get info to right click menu Get Info works now! Ver 1.0 Beta 3.5: Fixed Stupid error with SetBackground on the Menu bar, popup worked though Added the beginig of the Rotate image code. Need to work on mouse move still. ver 1.0 Beta 3.4: Fixed some problems with drawing over last row of image. Added in most of the mouse handleing for draging the image in ActaullSize mode Added lost of mouse stuff for moveing image. Running into some problems with scrollbars though while moveing img. rrrrr ver 1.0 Beta 3.3: Finished up scrollbars. They prity much work right now. Still bad flicker on resize. This is mainly a BScrollView thing will try to fix this. Remover my beloved Threads because they hung some times I think this is bacause we kill the translator that is running and it doesn't like it Lots little code cleaned up .. so it is more stable now too. Both Aspect Ratios are in there - the old and the new one. So if you liked the old ... Still working on SlideShow. as you can see other things have been going on though ver 1.0 Beta 3.2: FIXED THE 60 IMAGE LIMIT BUG 99% of the credit goes to Dragfly (yes the guy who wrote Butterfly) This was a stupid bug that we should all learn from. BNodeInfo NI(new BNode(path.Path())); Is BAD it should read BNode *nod = new BNode(path.Path()); BNodeInfo NI(nod); ... delete nod; You see we where creating lots of BNodes and thus the OS said "No more for you!" So now we get rid of them and life is much better. So Dragfly, thanks and if I ever charge for my app. You get it FREE!! ver 1.0 Beta 3.1: Added something Wonderfull .. the ImageShower is now Threaded. Sometimes we get stuck inside of our Translate thread (that sucks) BUG You can scroll through images Verry fast. and will not bog down.!! I love this. Fixed that AspectRatio .. It gets bigger now. Like its suposed too Scorllbars mosttly worknow .. redraw is bad sometimed though Cleaned up the Scrollbar code. The Shower nows has control of them Shower disbales the scrollbars for everthing exept full size. This is going to be a slow and painful ver We are trying to fix a bug that is croping up. It is verry illusive. Somethnin is going on. If we chage some code it effects other code (not suposedto) Although this BUG is eating at me - we will try to get some stuff added. Also it looks as though there is going to be a lot of code change gong on. ImageShow is currently weighing in at 2000 lines of code! ver 1.0 Beta 3.0: Total rewrite of the Selection panel.!!! 100% new code in ImageSelection panel.!!! Added Tile draw mode, kewl for images in ~/SampleMedia/desktop/textures Added Height-Width in StatusBar. kewl hu .. Bug with tile fixed too.(+1 off) (I was filling bebits page out and though about it) Redid Keyboard navigation. big fix. Up and Down arrow navigate through view. Auto loads file if ontop of it via keyboard. To enter directory press enter Home key takes you to home Dir. Page up takes you to the first item in the list. (after "..") Page down takes you to the last thing in the list Selection should be a little more "friendlier" Got rid of damn white corners of scrollbar. although still draw incorrect (be fault) Fixxed infinity messageing look that cause crash. Got rid of blue selection box around selectionPanel .. was tacky For the 10th time I fixed all the resizeing and fullscreen saveing stuff Now comeing back and quiting in fullscreen mode work, I know they do this time Menu comands for next,last,fist,prev image now work. nothing big there fixed bug if you hit up arrow first thing. -1 is bad, mmok page up error with no entry in directory fixxed Double clicking a image, it will bring ImageShow to the top, front, if open Bug fixxes Streach is now OPT-E not OPT-S Save As is not OPT-S ver 1.0 Beta 2.9: Small fix where I forgot to Lock the Window Fix of Set Background. more versital now. StatusBar now show current path (Its good to know where the hell you are) Fix of Translator save panel. (We are useing TraslatorSavePanel by Daniel Switkin( ver 1.0 Beta 2.8: Now Set as background works perfectly (thas was totaly wacky) Random bug fixs. More stable than ever (let me know if it crashes on you) ver 1.0 Beta 2.7: It's now posible to right click on a img and set it as the background (WSpace 1 only) SuperSpy( on #bedev helped me fix Background code ver 1.0 Beta 2.6: Fixed that damn save as menu. It should fully work now ver 1.0 Beta 2.5: Added in a popup menu. right click on image. fixed some stuff. blah blah blah More new features. ver 1.0 Beta 2.4: Now you can save images in any formate. WOW. Oh and OPTION-Q does work now. And Quiting in Maximized mode works too now. I love bug fixen If you take a look at the menu bar you can see things I am working on. Trying hard to get that sort and slide show working - soon ver 1.0 Beta 2.3: Fixed the bad flicker problem thanks to Heikki Suhonen (the ArtPaint guy) Started adding in the ShowSlide window. !!Currently the OPTION-Q key dose not save state.!! !!Quiting in Max mode, doesn't come up in the right window. (worked yesterday) ver 1.0 Beta 2.2: Embeded logo2.png into the rsrc file. Thats always nice ver 1.0 Beta 2.1: Oops. I didn't even know that double clicking on a image was messed up. Sorry yall. its fixed now. Gess I need to do a good test before uploading new vers :) Also fixed bug if you hit OPTION-Q .. it will now save prefs. Added in Toggle fullScreen ... big plus ver 1.0 Beta 2.0: DOES NOT EAT MEMORY !!!!!!!!! Most all the Drawing modes work (Aspect, Stretch, blah) flickers on resize .. Can't figure out how to Double buffer a BView !!??!! ver 1.0 Beta 1.0: Stuff .. it shows images. WOW YNOP TheAbstractCompany