Short:    C64 emulator, V3.0
Uploader: (Christian Bauer)
Author: (Christian Bauer)
Version:  3.0
Requires: C64 ROM images

Frodo V3.0 is a C64 emulator for the BeBox and Unix/X11 systems.

Some of the emulation's features:

 - This emulator focuses on the exact reproduction of special graphical
   effects possible on the 64, and has therefore relatively high system
   requirements. It should only be run on systems with at least a
 - Using a line-based VIC model, Frodo is capable of running most games
   and demos correctly, even those with FLI, FLD, DYCP, open top/bottom
   borders, multiplexed sprites etc.
 - Sound is supported via the internal BeBox sound hardware.
 - C64 disk drives may be simulated in directories or .d64/.x64 files.
 - An optional processor-level 1541 emulation runs about 50% of all fast
 - Full keyboard and joystick emulation.
 - Some small demo programs and the full source code in C++ are included
   in the archive.

Hardware supported:

 - BeBox with BeOS 1.1d7
 - Unix systems with X11R6 or Linux/SVGAlib (Unix version incomplete at
   the moment)