FakeBar ver1.1.3 Author: Tetsuo Yamada Mailto: ivy@ma.kcom.ne.jp Compativility: BeOS R4 or later(?) Date: Sat, Jan. 30 1999 Support: http://www.duelists.org/~ivy/ FakeBar is a launcher program which looks like Deskbar and works like Tracker's popup. The most important feature of FakeBar is that you can open any file with your favorite app directly with it. FakeBar1.1.0 (or later) is different from v1.0.X of it on its settings files. But you can convert old settings for 1.0.4 to one for 1.1.0 (or later). To convert, launch FakeBar with an option "-convert" from Terminal application. The preferences files for 1.1.0 (or later) will be created automatically. There's no install-task for you. Double click it. To know the way to use (or some tips), see in this package. Online version is also available from . Sut, June 6 1998: ver1.0.1 First release Mon, June 8 1998: ver1.0.2 Bug fix around the Preferences window. Improvement of the Layer Menu. Improvement of the List View in the Preferences window. Support Node watching Fixed the bugs when shut down Sut, June 12 1998: ver1.0.3 Improvement of the Preferences window. Enables text dropping Change the action when open the targets. Add shortcuts Enables workspaces "for x_86" release Wed, Aug 5 1998: ver1.0.4 More for Workspaces Bug fix when the workspaces or the screen resolution are changed. Improvement of the action when a file was dropped Mon, Oct 12 1998: ver1.1.0 Rebuild from the basic parts. ???: ver1.1.1 LOST:-( Thu, Dec. 17 1998: ver1.1.2 Keep up with R4 API Support Replicants Correct Icon which refers a volume Improved the response of the mouse operations Bug fix around thread (chores_slave) Add "Draw Border around Each Items" to the preferences Thu, Jan. 07 1999: ver1.1.3 Bug fix around window focus Tiny improvements Masatsugu Morozumi: the idea of shelf (a container for replicants), and many ideas Goro Kiyono: compiles all for x86 versions older than v1.1.1 , and many bug reports Pascal Goguey: bug report, source codes for R4 Intel CHEEBOW: compiles v1.1.3 for x86 Futhermore, Oliver Kohl, Jean de Pompignan, William Barthelmy, Fantino Serge and Kazuho Okui, they help me to create FakeBar. Thanks a lot! This software is a freeware. You can redistribute this package freely. And use at your own risk. If you have reports, requests or found bugs, tell me to . All rights are reserved.