File : debugWindow
Author : Nicolas Leclercq (leclercq@lure.u-psud.fr)
Release : 1.0b1
Compatibility : DR9 - AA - Update 5-28-97
Description: develop/debug tool -  library.

Hi !
debugWindow is a library you can include in your project during dev/debug stage.
It displays a live list of your team's threads and their thread_info. It also 'prints' debug 
messages you send from your own code. Using debugWindow GUI you can modify the 
state and the priority of a thread while your application is running. 
I just wrote it for fun and learn about the BeOS API. But if one of you find it usefull, feel 
free to use it. 
Have fun and let me know...
Nicolas "use this soft at your own risks man" Leclercq.