================================================================ DEVASTATION Quake2 v1.4a ================================================================ Authors : Devin "section8" Kelly Chris "SlapHappy" Kelly James "Mr. Totoro" Lee Homepage : http://www.planetquake.com/devastation ================================================================ Installation Instructions: ---------------------------------- 1. Download the version of Devastation Quake2 according to the operating system you are currently running. 2. Unzip/Extract the file to your \QUAKE2 directory, (the zip/exe will CREATE a \devq2 sub-directory for you within the quake2 directory!) Joining a Devastation Quake2 game: ---------------------------------- 1. Run Quake2 with the command line parameters: "+set game devq2" (without the quotes) i.e. x:\Quake2\Quake2.exe +set game devq2 2. From the "multiplayer" menu, select "join network server", then enter the game host's IP address into the address book. The game will then appear in a list. Select the game. 3. Alternatively, you can use Gamespy to find all internet games playing devq2, and it will handle the command line parameters automatically upon execution. (http://www.gamespy.com) Hosting a Devastation Quake2 game: ---------------------------------- NOTE: Before hosting a game, READ the "Server Controls" section!!! (it's not long) Non-Dedicated Servers: 1. Run Quake2 with the command line parameters: "+set game devq2" (without the quotes) i.e. x:\Quake2\Quake2.exe +set game devq2 2. Using the ~ key bring down the console, and set the console variables (listed in the "Server Controls" section) to your liking. 3. Then, under the "multiplayer" menu item, select "start network server", then choose a map and DM flags, and finally select "begin". Dedicated Servers: 1. Edit the server.cfg file located in the devq2 directory. 2. Run Quake2 with the command line parameters: "+set game devq2 +set dedicated 1" (without the quotes) i.e. x:\Quake2\Quake2.exe +set game devq2 +set dedicated 1 3. The console variables (listed in the "Server Controls" section) can be changed at any time in the dedicated console, be sure to restart a map for the changes to take effect. Server Controls: ---------------- Console variables can be modified by the server admin by simply typing the name of the variable followed by a value. The names of Devastation Quake2's console variables (so far) are as follows: devteammode "devteammode 0" = Deathmatch Free-For-All (FFA), everyone can damage everyone else. "devteammode 1" = Teamplay Devs vs. Grunts, grunts can't damage grunt, and devs can't damage devs. Messagemode2 can be used for talking dev to dev, or grunt to grunt. The map DOES NOT need to be restarted for the new setting to take effect. (It behaves more like a DM flag now.) numdevs_cg "numdevs_cg " = (Where is a number from 1-16) Specifies how many DevastatorCG D's will be available on the level for pickup. The map must me restarted for the new setting to take effect. numdevs_rl "numdevs_rl " = (Where is a number from 1-16) Specifies how many DevastatorRL D's will be available on the level for pickup. The map must me restarted for the new setting to take effect. Client Controls: ---------------- An optional control for clients is the Player Identification command. Typing "id" in the console (or binding a key to "id") will toggle player identification on or off. Player Identification simply displays on the hud the name (and model/skin) of the player that's in the aiming player's targeting reticle. Player identfication is off by default. How to Play: ------------- Devastation Quake2, in essence is still Quake2 deathmatch in all it's glory...but...What we've added to the mix are what we call "Devastators". - What is a Devastator? A Devastator is a human controlled, slow moving, heavy assault vehicle with 2 very...big...guns. There are two types of Devastators so far: DevastatorCG and DevastatorRL. Details on both are as follows: Armor - Designed for assault/support, the thick hull of a Devastator is capable of sustaining 5-7 times the damage a normal quake player can. Dual Chainguns - (DevastatorCG) - The chainguns on the DevastatorCG were designed for anti-vehicular combat, meaning they'll put a world of hurt on non-vehicles (i.e. you!). They deal nearly 1.5 times as much damage per bullet than a regular chaingun, and have a limitless supply of ammo, so one can rack up the frags very quickly. Dual Rocket Launchers - (DevastatorRL) - The missile racks on the DevastatorRL here originally intended for anti-aircraft firepower. Unfortunately, now they'll be pointed at you. Firing in volleys of two, the rockets travel at about twice the velocity of the handheld RL's projectiles. Amphibious - The Devastator also has a built in life support system, so a player can't drown while in it. Critcal Damage Indicator - When the Devastator has sustained a considerable amount of damage, a warning light will appear on the HUD (heads up display) and an alarm will sound for every hit sustained thereafter. - So how do I get into these things? Both Devastators will spawn at the start of each map at random location. They will appear as a revolving "D" 's and will remain there for 60 seconds then spawn at another random location, unless it is picked up. Upon pick up, a sound and message will be broadcasted informing each player which Devastator has been taken, and by whom. - These things are WAY too powerful, no fair! Well OF COURSE they have drawbacks! READ! Speed - Most importantly is their speed. The Devastators trudge along at roughly half the normal player's speed. So if those little quake runts find cover, you can kiss them goodbye for a while. Size - Armor stacked to that magnitude tends to make for a bigger target. A Devastator is nearly twice as thick and slightly taller than a normal player. In other words, there's not too many things to hide behind, besides walls. Mass - Carrying all that armor and firepower obviously makes a Devastator extremely heavy. Consequently, with each step taken a loud and resounding footstep will be heard from afar. Also, the shear weight of a Devastator restricts jumping severely. No Pickups - Once inside a Devastator, the player cannot collect any items. That's right, no health, no armor, no weapons, no powerups, NOTHING. So whatever damage is done will never be repaired. So if you're face to face with one, get a shot off while you can, it adds up! Overheat - (DevastatorCG) The DevastatorCG's chainguns tend to heat up after several seconds of continous firing. Firing for too long results in an overheat where the weapon will automatically shut itself down while it cools, during which it will not fire. Slow firing rate - (DevastatorRL) While the DevastatorRL's missile rack fires extremely fast rockets, the rate at which it fires is significantly slower than the handheld RL. This will give some people the chance to escape between volleys. - Ending the Devastation Upon destruction, the player who delivered the killing blow to the Devastator will be awarded with 5 frags, that is, if he/she's NOT a Devastator him/herself. In the case of a Devastator killing another Devastator, the victor will be awarded a single frag. The "D" will be dropped at the site of the destroyed Devastator. So if you want one, blow it up, and grab that "D". (The old Devastator commandeer will respawn as a regular quake player). Suiciding (self destructing) - Self inflicted deaths while in a Devastator (i.e. falling, getting crushed, typing "kill" in the console, etc.) will result in -5 frags to the user. FAQ: ---- Q: Is there a way out of the Devastator once I'm in it? A: Yes, die. Q: I can't kill these things, this sucks! A: Stop trying to fight them toe-to-toe and play the shoot and scoot game. Use your environment! Only rush them when you can SEE they've been damaged. Q: I can't find any "D"s anywhere, where are they? A: Make sure you're not running a single player mode game (see below), if in multiplayer either people have control of all Devastators already, or wait 60 secs and look again. They might've been in the lava, they respawn every 60 seconds. Q: I can't run Devastation Quake2 in single player mode? A: No, Devastation Quake2 IS NOT a single player mod. The D's will not spawn, and there will be no monsters. Run a multiplayer server if you want to run around alone. Q: In modem play sometimes I "overflow". A: A reoccuring problem we still are hammering out. Bear with it for now, it shouldn't happen all that much. Q: Sometimes the game crashes in software mode with no error. A: A reoccuring problem we are also still trying to figure out. Usually it happens once, but after restarting the game doesn't happen as frequently. Wierd! Q: I have an idea that'll make this mod SO much better! A: Any suggested changes/additions can be voiced on the message board. Or sent via e-mail to any (or preferably all) of the developers on the Credits page. EOF